hello from out in space

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Dear Ann,
There is nothing simple nor easy about abdominal surgery... in fact I thought it was far worse than my heart surgery! And to get pneumonia on top of everything else..... geez girl whatever will we do with you? Are you trying to topple me from my throne? hee hee hee

I am glad that you are back feeling somewhat like your old self. Mistakes??? I didn't see any stinkin' mistakes!!!!!

Get well soon.

Dear Ann,

Great to have you back! I've never had abdominal surgery but heard the pain is far worse.
My youngest daughter had her appendix removed a few years back and she said it was terrible. She didn't want to get up the next day, but they made her to get those muscles moving again.
You take good care of yourself now, and I hope you have an uneventful recovery.
Dear how wonderful to know your home so....just eat sleep and be MERRY ok all our love for a fast recovery,Shana:) :) :)
Good to have you back

Good to have you back

Hi Ann - Great to see that you're back, however fuzzy. Take good care and get well lady, we've been missing your presence. Chris

As everyone has said, please rest up and take good care of yourself. I am so pleased that you are home and on the way to recovery. So many prayers have been answered! Try to remember some funny stories to share with us later............Betty(bvdr)

It is really great to see you back. I got real upset when I read you had pnuemonia! You were still in my thoughts and prayers though. I had read all the posts but didn't get a chance to respond.
I'm glad all our prayers were answered.

I had an exploratory surgery done when I was 15. My appendix had burst but they didn't know that was my problem until they did the exploratory. I have a scar from my belly button down. I remember it hurting like crazy. I think that surgery even though I was younger, took a lot longer to initially feel better from, than OHS. I can sypathize. I'm glad you felt well enough to post though. We're just happy your'e back where you belong. Before you know it you 'll be out on your swing looking at your gorgeous view. Welcome back!


I, too, had exploratory surgery at age 21..Cyst on my right ovary the size of a grapefruit..They removed the ovary..said I probably could not have children.:mad: I had 2 ...21 months apart..:D :D :D My one remaining ovary must have been working overtime.:p :p I remember they put in huge staples back then and came into room the next day and pulled me out of the bed.:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Pain..I still remember..Bonnie

I remember the big staples, plus they closed me up with 6 pearly buttons. I think I had to wait six weeks for them to snip the buttons and staples off. I kept the buttons. Of course I don't know if I still even have them now! The pain was horrible, but then I never had been operated on before so I had nothing to compare it to. I just knew it hurt to move.

I too had a cyst on my right ovary when I was 32 years old. At least that time they could do the bikini cut, which of course makes my scars connected together look like an anchor! Hey, I couldn't worry about the scars, at least I was alive! In each instance I almost died but I'm a survivor, through and through!:)


We need to start A FullZipper Club..:D :D :D So far, Me, You and Ann..:D :D :D Bonnie


Glad to see you are up and around a little. You take care of yourself and do what they tell you. We'll see you back here soon enough just GET BETTER. love Peg


Glad you are feeling better and out of the jail they call the hospital. You can be with us once again. Take care and be good. Missed Ya!

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
I'm so glad that all went so well for you Ann. It's nice to see you posting again. Take it slow and easy. Tim
Glad to have you back and better yet to hear the good news.
Take it easy and I look forward to hearing how you are recovering.
Hi Ann.......

Hi Ann.......

Glad to know that you are making satisfactory progress.

I've been leaving you alone since your surgery so that you can concentrate on getting back to your former self. Rest up and get well again soon.


Happy to hear that you are back with us. Take it easy and getter well quick.

Sorry I am late in wishing you a welcome home!!(was in the hospital) I hope you are recovering quickly.
Take care:D

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