hello from out in space

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
I have been off with La Cruiser for the last week - and have to make this quick - he's right over there waiting - see him?

All heart surgery patients are my heroes (that includes me). Anybody who can go off on a mind boggling tour of heart surgery and then comes back smiling has got my vote every time. Then there are those of us who have simple abdominal surgery, catch pneumonia and whine like a baby. Oh Gawd, what an awful week - I still can barely see so if there atte lots of mistakes hered, that's just too bad - I will catch up later. O.K.? Love ya, each and every one of you, my Heroes

- La's waiting.............................
Great to have you back Ann! I would not call what you went through simple. It seemed my husband had more pain than I in the chest. If you had to rate your pain between the two...what do you think?

I am just so happy you are ok and cancer free! You will be back to yourself soon;)
Hi Ann!
Welcome back! Besides the great news of no cancer, you being back on here is the best! Rest easy and take care!
Les AVR '93 / '95
Howdy Ann

Howdy Ann

Ann, it is SO great to see you posting again. Relax, take care of yourself, and keep up your great attitude.

Take care!
Is LA Cruiser gonna take you for a drive in one of his fancy schmantzy custom trucks?

Watch out for that truck stop food.

"Got my hand on my a-- and my mind in third gear", especially just after surgery!

Nice to see your post.:)
Welcome Back

Welcome Back

Hi Ann

I am so happy to see you back with us

Take things easy and DO NOT overdo things

look forward to reading your posts when you feel better


Jan I don't think we have to worry about her overdoing anything. She's pretty ouchy right now.

It is so good to have you back with us hensylee. :)

P.S. By the way, I'm pretty close to your neighborhood. I'm over here in the Nexus of Sominus.


Show us your scar..:p :p :p Now you have a full front zipper.:D :DHope they sent you home with some good stuff :D Take them...and soon you will be just a swinging in that front porch swing.:p :p :p Bonnie
Hi there Ann

Hi there Ann

it's wonderful to hear from you ...we can all sleep easier now ...hoping you make a great recovery ...you take care of yourself ....wishing I could drop in by for a cuppa ...
Love Scottie


Oh, it's so good to have Hensylee back. I'm singing I'm dancing I'm . . . well, I'm really just sitting here with my laptop on my lap like I have been for the last 4 months. But now it feels like vr.com again.

Ann, you just had major surgery; just because you had ohs before doesn't mean the other stuff doesn't hurt; for one thing, when those docs get into your body cavity they just can't help taking a look at all of your organs to check them out, and that handling and moving them around really is painful (so I've been told). And pneumonia - I think you did really well to get out of the hospital so soon.

So glad you're home. Take it easy. Cyberhugs, real prayers.
Hensylee - OK, I posted against an older update. It is great to see you are back with us. Hope you are doing good and back to youself. It seems like that is already true.
Hi Ann,
It is really good to see you back on-line. All of our prayers have been answered. You get some needed rest and take care of yourself. Glad to see you back.

Take Care!
Glad to have you back, Ann.
Get some rest and we'll all chat when you feel better. Sleep is the best thing right now.

Take good care.
We sure missed you, Ann. Take your time - we'll all still be here. Welcome back!

Good news Ann. Take it easy and heal, heal, heal! At least with this surgery you dont have to keep puffing on that darn breathing tube.

Way to go Ann!!! You are one 'Kewl' lady. Take those pain pills and stay in 'space' as long as needed. Your post made us all so happy!


Zipper:cool: :)
Ann, how wonderful you are back and posting. I was holding my breath for you. Was turning rather blue so I am happy to be breathing again. Whine all you want, it's ok...... martha
Hi Ann. It is so good to see you posting again....I personally think your abdominal surgery is ouchier than the heart surgeries...Think of the muscles they have to go through...and not all that many for heart surgery. I don't know, never had abdominal, but I hear it is by far ouchier to recover from. Anyway, take it easy and get stronger...glad to have you back.