Thank You Tom, Christina, Georgia, Ross and Nancy.. We get so many wonderful and different ideas. Its nice to hear all of them..
George, I know what you mean about the stomach shot - I got one 'once' in a hospital and I swore NEVER AGAIN. Well several years late they wanted to give me another - I said NO - they said: Are you refusing this treatment - I said: YES I was really scared but I stood my ground.. If I thought it was going to be really really necessary - I would have taken it - and if the doc had insisted I would have taken it.. But just this nurse - I don't think so.. One other time - after I had just woke up from having an ablation this IV lady comes into my room and wants to do a blood transfusion on me -- I said: Why - I don't need a blood transfusion - I'm here for my heart - I don't think I'm suppose to get a blood transfusion - noone mentioned it to me.. She said: Are you Marilyn Metcalf - I said: Yes, well she said: your due for a blood transfusion - and SHE GRABBED MY WRIST.. Now about this time I started to cry and scream - and the nurse came in and I told her and then they checked over the records and the lady beside me who's name was Marlin - was suppose to get the blood transfusion !!! So several hours later my cardiologist comes in and I told him what happened and he didn't believe me -so he got the nurse and she verified it - and I said: I want to go HOME - He said: Alright if that's what you want. I never dressed so fast in all my life.. So, I do question everything and everyone.. I thank god I had been awake when she had arrived so I could stop her. I have refused treatment when I think its the wrong treatment. I don't care whether they like it or not. In all the times I've done it - my doc has never said a word...
I agree Melissa - there is so much ballyhoo medicine given - its such a waste of money.. Waste of time and most of all a waste of 'pain'.. You know there was this one hospital I went to a long time ago - that was awful - those nurse's couldn't put an IV in you for the life of them.. They always would hit the side of the vein and it was sooo painful - and sometimes my hand would swell up and I'd say - you got that in wrong - no we dont' - I said Yes You Do - Now take it out and do it right.. No its fine Mrs. Metcalf -- I would say Look you take it out or I will.. and get someone in here who knows how to put an IV in or I don't want one at all. I"ve been in the hospital many times with NO IV's.. I mean there wasn't any med going in the IV - it was just in my hand in case they needed to admnister something - it would be easier - but it wasn't like it was really necessary - if they would put it in right - I wouldn't mind - but they didn't - I've had enough IV's to know when its in right and when its in wrong.. When its in right and they put the meds through it you don't even feel it - or a slight cool feeling - but when its wrong - its just a constant pain - just a constant pain....
I guess I'm a terrible hospital patient. I never really thought about it before - but I have just gotten up and walked out of hospitals when I didn't like the way they were treating me.. That's probably not good either. I should tell you I get panic attacks - and sometimes they are so bad - I just have to leave.. Its uncontrollable - I did seek help for them and I think it helped - but every once in awhile - if I think someone is mad at me - I get panicky and I don't want to stay..
I got some 'help' and things are better - but I still stand up for myself and I ask lots of questions and I want to feel that I'm in alittle control. I even asked my surgeon if I would be getting a St. Jude valve - and when I got my ICD I asked for a manual on the programming.. I like to be very active in my care - I work very hard to take good care of myself - and I don't want any blood transfusions.. NOW, I go to this new hospital and they are excellent - I've never walked out on them.. I did get a couple panic attacks - but it was like they could tell and just stayed clear from me for awhile. They Knew - I couldn't believe it - they knew exactly how to handle me. I didn't know they knew till afterwards and one of them said: You were having a panic attack - I said I was - He said Yes, we're trained to spot them. I said well you know I really wanted to just "leave" but I didn't so I thought I can't be cause in the past I would leave.. of course I would come back.. I would just step outside get some fresh air for 10 or 15 minutes and then go back in.. With this new hospital I've never refused any needles - they are very nice to me and they explain everything I want to know.. IT's a much better hospital. My panic attacks are much less frequent. They are awful..
Nancy your so right - no patient should ever refuse blood work - especially when having surgery - its much to dangerous. But I was not there for surgery. If they give you bloodwork - they should be able to explain "why" and of course then you wouldn't deny it.. I don't think it hurts to discuss this with your doctors.. Sometimes - they're quite surprised what's going on with your care. The hospital I go to now - those nurse's jump when they see my doctor - I think he must be a big wig.. I said that to him once - I take it you carry alot of power in this hospital - he just kind of smiled - and then HE pushed my wheelchair back to my room. I might add we actually 'raced' alittle - it was FUN.. He's kind of cool.
Christina - I'm so sorry to hear about your mother and father. My sister died of breast cancer - its amazing how we have so much in common.. Colorado is such a beautiful state - Rocky Mountain National Park would be a great place for next year's reunion. I think they're having one come up soon - in the mid west - I can't find it - I know I saw it posted once - I'll have to go searching again... I love cats Christina - I only have one - I'm allergic to cats and dogs - but I did manage to talk my husband into letting me keep this cat - he was a stray and living under our house.. I got lucky.. and I guess you could say he got lucky.. We call him stubby as half his tail is missing.. he's a calico cat - real cute. But when he runs he kind of hops - its funny to watch. He's very lovable..
I use to watch Sesame Street with Cookie Monster and Big Bird - afterwards it was "won't you be my neighbor" - one time we drove from New Hampshire to Florida to Disney for a vacation and I had read Jen my daughter that book "green eggs and ham" and she memorized every word on every page - and she read the book to us - virtually non-stop to Florida - I can still remember the words - I do not like green eggs I am I do not like them Sam I am.. I would not eat them here or there I would not eat them anywhere. I could go on but I guess you get the picture....
My husband and I still laugh about that one.. Now she's a senior in college and we're very much poor - but she'll be graduating next May and hopefull we'll be able to start banking alittle money before retirement comes..

She's majored in Criminal Justice and isn't sure what she wants to do - maybe police work - just what every mother dreams of - her daughter carrying a gun !!! and running after crooks.. !! Oh thats good.. I don't tell her cause I don't want to hurt her feelings - but I'm hopeing she finds another area of work that pays more and is safer.. You worry non-stop with kids.. at least I do.
I would love to meet everyone - but there's not enough hours in the day - I have about 40 hours of annual and my family and I are headed to "The Key's" this January for a vacation - so I have to watch my annual time... I've made the flight reservations.. I'm also scheduled for my next echo in January - I'm not sure I want to have it done before I go or after I come back.. I think my husband wants me to have it before so we know. But I don't want to know - as far as I know - its not now - so that's a good answer. I'll have to wait and see when they schedule me - usually his office does the scheduling - I don't get options normally of "when" - but if it hits my vacation then and he can't squeeze me in another time that month - then it will have to go to the next month - February.. From my house to my doc office/hospital is an hour and a half drive and its really trecherous roads to drive - so I don't want to go up there in the winter if I can help it.. I wish they could do the test in December or November and avoid January and February all together... I will not allow surgery to be scheduled in the snow season - that's a definent NO - I worry something terrible about my family driving in the stuff up route I-89 - alot of accidents. So I would wait till I thought the weather was going to be good before I do have it..
Well, I talked everyone's head off - good to talk to you all - but now I got to get to work - see ya