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It's really good to see you posting. I'm so glad you came through this ordeal. Rest and get to feeling better soon.

You certainly do a lot for us and you are so much appreciated.
Soo happy to see your post Ross. I truly feel for you, and understand exactly what you mean about ''just existing''....thats pretty much the feelings im having at the moment. Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. (((((HUGS)))))
I echo SB in saying that while you had a really difficult time...you now
have it behind you. I know it has to be a relief.
I propose that "we" all make a pact to try and behave ourselves while
you recuperate :D
I'm real happy you are back home and able to post us-Dina

Welcome back! I pray things get easier for you.You mean a lot to the VR family.

It is so good to hear from you. It is always apparent that you do not really understand just how much you mean to us and what you do for us on a daily basis. Money is just money but caring is priceless.

Please take care of yourself and know that we are happy to have had such a small part in keeping you around.

Much love.
Ross I am so glad that you are doing well. you were missed!!!
I am so happy to know that the surgery is over and that you are home in one piece.And don't you dare think that you do nothing!!!!!! You do a LOT!!!!
I feel left out that I miss being part of that effort to help you get this surgery done.I guess I was too busy running away from Gustav and then cleaning up the aftermath.
So I want to know when you have your new teeth. I want to be the one to buy you and your wife that first steak. I 'll even splurge for filet mignon wrapped in bacon.:D I really mean this.
Sorry it's taken me so long to get back into action. This one shook me up pretty good. Not only did I have a hard time coming off the vent, but the infections were well on their way to exterminating me. Doc said one more week and I may not have been around to have them removed. You all know how hard I was pushing and how concerned I was about it and feeling like I was the only one worrying. Well it's taken one heck of an emotional toll on me. I need some time to gather myself together again. Just little things anymore turn into major events for me and frankly, I'm very tired of it all. Yes I know, never give up, but man, fighting is really becoming exhausting and I just don't have much left.

I look like someone punched me out. black and blue face, cut lips, seeping blood like a dog that lost a fight, but it's done and I'll never have to worry about tooth infections ever again. Just got my INR back to 2.3 and stopped Lovenox as of this morning. The whole anticoag thing in the hospital was a joke. It's not the drug that's dangerous, it's the people that don't know what their doing that make it dangerous.

You folks really did save my life. I want you all to know it. I owe it all to you and I'll never be able to repay you for this gift, that hurts me in itself. Seems like I should be able to do something other then simply exist.

I've got PM's, email and all sorts of things to answer and it's goin to take a while. I still need a bit of time to clear my mind of all that's just transpired. It was way too close all the way around.

Thank you all!

Hey Ross, You CAN'T Check Out NOW,
You've got to train that hospital's Managers and Staff
in the Proper Management of AntiCoagulation !

We're All GLAD to See that you made it through yet another
'Visit to the Next World' (i.e. Hospital) and Back!

Ross, So glad to see your post. Sorry you had to go through such an ordeal! You are no mere moderator here. You share invaluable knowledge and experience, are a wonderful supporting presence, and manage to have a great sense of humor despite your personal trials. I will always be indebted to you, and very grateful for all your help. Your valve bro, Brian
Ross: You are one tough cookie. I spent part of the day watching some pretty tough guys playing pro-football. I wouldn't bet on any of them bouncing back from all of the things thrown your way. If you had been the Titanic, that iceberg would have been ice cubes. You are one amazing guy!
So glad to read your post Ross & know that you are home & on your way to feeling better! Thank God it's over with! Now you just have to let your gums heal & pretty soon you'll be munching on all your favorite things! :)

Take care!

So glad to hear you got it over with. Now take it easy and take all the time you need to recover.

I am glad to hear you are on the other side of this. I will be praying things smooth out for you.

Glad to hear you're home. Doctors, insurance, etc. can sure wear you down. Please be patient, you'll be back to your ornery self soon.

You certainly do more than "exist"; you help hundreds of people through the most difficult experience of their lives. That is a truly honorable calling and I for one am eternally grateful for your help.

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