Okay so, after a weekend of freaking out and calling everyone under the sun, I finally had my follow up with my cardiologist PA just now, who confirmed with my scans I have a leaky valve (my regurgitation went from mild to moderate) and my ascending aorta is a 4.1cm when it was 3.6cm in 2022. I thought initially there was some discrepancy on my new scans that were done just last week because I saw 3.7cm on my echo and my CT (without contrast) was was 4.1cm for ascending aorta but he said they were just different modalities. Then ended with “in my opinion you’ll definitely need surgery.” He kept saying the wrong values and forgetting what he was even talking about and had to keep referring to his notes. I’m over him. I have a new appointment with a MD in February with a new cardiologist.
I also have 2 appointments with 2 different cardiac surgeons in March. Both are very good. One is in NYC and one of the best in NJ. So that kind of makes me feel better. I’m interested to see what they say and how much time I have until I’ll need surgery. I know I come off complainy and whiny. I’m sorry about that I’m just out of my brain with worry.
Thinking of taking the Prozac that was prescribed to me years ago finally to help cope. Ha.
My aunt’s brother is a cardiovascular surgeon at Mayo Clinic in MN so I’ll send him my scans as well to see if he can weigh in.
Sigh. Everything seems like a lot right now. I can’t seem to wrap my head around needing heart surgery. It seems so big. So scary. So dangerous. I’m scared of it all. Scared of the complications that may follow. Scared of never feeling “normal” again. Can’t seem to shake this feeling and my day to day is HARD right now. I feel like a ticking time bomb that could go any minute.
I did make a therapy appointment before anyone suggests haha.
Anyway, thanks for reading. You all are so great and brave!

I also have 2 appointments with 2 different cardiac surgeons in March. Both are very good. One is in NYC and one of the best in NJ. So that kind of makes me feel better. I’m interested to see what they say and how much time I have until I’ll need surgery. I know I come off complainy and whiny. I’m sorry about that I’m just out of my brain with worry.
Thinking of taking the Prozac that was prescribed to me years ago finally to help cope. Ha.
My aunt’s brother is a cardiovascular surgeon at Mayo Clinic in MN so I’ll send him my scans as well to see if he can weigh in.
Sigh. Everything seems like a lot right now. I can’t seem to wrap my head around needing heart surgery. It seems so big. So scary. So dangerous. I’m scared of it all. Scared of the complications that may follow. Scared of never feeling “normal” again. Can’t seem to shake this feeling and my day to day is HARD right now. I feel like a ticking time bomb that could go any minute.
I did make a therapy appointment before anyone suggests haha.
Anyway, thanks for reading. You all are so great and brave!
