Heat and the Heart

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This is exactly why I busted my nuts and bank account, to get another air conditioner asap, when my other broke down right on the first day of a four day heat wave last year.
This is one of the reasons why I always wear a heart rate monitor when I run or bike here in FL. There have been several occasions when my HR spiked and I didn't realize it until the high level alarm went off on my monitor. Considering that discretion is the better of valor, I usually just slow down or walk until my HR gets back into my target range; and on a few occasions I have just packed it in and stopped. I try to work out in the cool(er) early mornings as much as possible, but even today it was 80F and 97% humidity at 6AM.
Good reminder, Bob. Thanks for posting that link.

Oddly ... I've never had a problem with the heat. I prefer heat to cold.... Maybe my body has just adapted itself...? *shrugs* I dunno.....

I do keep hydrated ... and when I walk during my 2 breaks at work, I make sure I have a cup of water afterward.....

Cort | 36.m.IL | 5 Monte Carlos.1 Caprice Classic | pig valve.pacemaker * NoreastrTrekRT=Aug2010 *
MCs.CC | models.HO.legos.CHD.RadioShows | RoadTrips.us66 = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Chances that a fool takes, never knowing when to stop" ... Johnny Lee ... 'You Could've Heard A Heart Break'

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