Heart rhythm problems......

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
Kilkenny, Ireland.
Hi guys, I have heart rhythm problems, diagnosed by wearing a holter monitor for 24 hours. I have SVT, A.Fib, and tons of irr jumping, flipping, shuddering, and pausing stuff. The night I wore the monitor it showed over 1400 of these, plus lots of other stuff. I was told by my EP that I would have an ablation done before Xmas...I doubt it will happen, but, what I was wondering is this.....does anyone here have similar rhythm problems to me, and if so do you experience ''pressure darting type pain'' in your head directly correlating to the irr beats..as if theres a pause and the blood doesnt get up there for a few seconds, and then theres a pressure/pain. I know this is difficult to understand, but if you experience it, believe me you'll recoginse it. I have it really bad this last week or so. Sometimes it lasts a few seconds and I feel ''strange'', it happened me while driving with my daughter in the car last night and I felt 'weird' a bit disorrientated. I had driven about 14miles but right after it happened I couldnt remember driving home and was surprised when I reached the outskirts of the town.(Mabey I just didnt notice the trip go by) *Should I be concerned about this, or is it just a symptom of the irr stuff???

My husband also has these issues. He has permenent a-fib, heart pauses of up to three seconds, bradycardia, tachycardia, and over 1300 ventricular ectopic beats. He needs a pacemaker, and has needed one for some time. He has to have his tricuspid valve repaired first, so they can insert the wires. They are doing this work on him, in January.

He does NOT have the pains in his head you describe, but he does get presyncope often each day. He has yet to hit the floor, but frankly, I think that is only a matter of time. If it were me, I think I might call the doctor. Good luck on the ablation.


PS: Are you on coumaden?
Hi Marybeth.....

Hi Marybeth.....

Hi Marybeth, I take Dilzem because I get chest pain due (they think) to variant angina (arterial spasm) which has been upped from 90mg to 120mg recently, EMCOR (beta blocker) for the irr beats, and I put myself on asprin because Iv read on this site, stuff about clots forming with MVR. *The EP said he would do a cath while in doing the ablation to check out my arteries, and possible fit a pace maker.

Is your husband aware of his aFib and irr beats? And did his cardio say his problem with the valve was causing the irregularity ??
Did they give you a better answer as to whether it is afib or vtach or vfib and where in the heart it is coming from. Did they tell you where they would be ablating? Will they do either or both nodes and if so what is the plan for that? Before doing an ablation there are many meds to try since the ablation is a riskier path to take before trying a med. I would sit down and talk with the EP thoroughly before going with the ablation before Christmas statement.

My husband does not "feel" his a-fib. He does feel each heartbeat in his throat/neck area. He has been irregularly irregular for so long now, that I don't think the non sinus rythm bothers him much. When he has bradycardia, he gets dizzy. Also when he gets tachy. I do not think he is aware of the ventricular ectopic beats. If you are having bouts of a-fib, you absolutely must be on an anticoagulant. You could stroke out.

My husband has never wanted any ablation procedure done, and for many years opted for meds. They are no lnger adequately controlling the rythm issues, which is why he is having his tricuspid valve repaired, and a pacemaker installed.

Are they going to install an ICD for you????

Hey there! I am glad that you have some answers finally. Although this is a new set of issues to deal with - I think that knowing what to treat will give you some added peace.

I was having head pains with my condition - from a lack of blood flow to my head it was discovered. Also, when I stand or change positions quickly, my blood tends to run down - due to blockages and the leaky valve - I would have presyncope - eventually I passed out twice - just for a few moments - but not fun nonetheless. I would encourage you to continuously mention these symtoms until you have a good answer of how to handle it. Please be careful about driving. I never feel disoriented sitting down - so I felt fine to drive - but you could possibly pass out for just a second - and what dyer consequences could take place.

Best of luck - do let us know how you are!
Hi Jacqui,

I am glad you are finally getting some answers and that you at least know why you have been feeling the way you do. I just wanted to wish you all the best with everything and to tell you that I'll be keeping you in my thoughts as you try to work out the best way to treat your rhythm problems - Jeanne
Kathleen said:
Did they give you a better answer as to whether it is afib or vtach or vfib and where in the heart it is coming from. Did they tell you where they would be ablating? Will they do either or both nodes and if so what is the plan for that? Before doing an ablation there are many meds to try since the ablation is a riskier path to take before trying a med. I would sit down and talk with the EP thoroughly before going with the ablation before Christmas statement.

Hi Kathleen, they said the holter monitor showed bouts of afib.... wide complex tachy with hr of 206 which they classified as VT.....Atrial Ectopic 57...Ventricular Ectopic single 1116 and trigeminy 99.....Multi focal Ventricular 10....Bradycardic Episode hr 46. *I wasnt told of any plan for the ablation other than he wanted to stop the ventricular beats happening!! I do wonder that the ablation is being done before the valve as I have read some stuff that points to MVR causing irr heartbeats?? Thank you for your reply. 8)
*Hey Piper, funny how we all differ isnt it. My irr stuff and head pain in worse sitting or lying down. So trying to sleep is very difficult. I have to practically sit up in bed even though it doesnt stop it, its better than lying down. Lying on my right side is the absolute worst. With my energy levels so low recently its hard not to sit down and i need to lie down for a nap every day. My son is very unwell in bed the last 2 days with a temp of 103 so I havnt been able to go to my gp caus Im busy looking after him (hes 15years old), but I hope to go tomorrow because even though Iv had this for some time, its definitely much worse this last while. Im actually really scared about it all because if im honest with myself ''everything'' is much worse lately, but Im trying REALLY HARD to say calm and be positive and be here with my kids for Xmas, and beyond.

*Jeanne...Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. I truly appreciate the kindness of everyone here !
For what my two cents is worth, I think that you should do everything possible to have your kids looked after and to have an operation where your valve is either repaired or replaced (hopefully repaired) and where they can do a maze procedure for the A-fib (it is better than ablation, and when they have to open someone for a valve job, they will usually do it if a person is in a-fib). I think you should try to get this done as soon as possible since the longer a person has a-fib, the harder it is to reverse. Also, the a-fib is certainly in your case (as it was in mine) caused by the dilation of your atrium. After an operation, the atrium usually shrinks back to some extent.

Another thing. Although it is smart of you to start taking aspirin, I think you should be on Coumadin until your a-fib is reversed (if it can be reversed).

I don't write to everyone because I don't have the time, but I have been following your story and have been saying to myself that you have just got to have something done urgently. Actually, my husband brought me to the emergency room when I had my a-fib, and they kept me, stablized me and soon after I had my operation. I am soooooo happy I did!!!
*Thank you so much Adrienne for taking the time to reply to me. When I allow myself to stop and really think about whats going on, I feel exactly like what you said...''I need something done asap''...but my cardio doesnt seem to agree and Im not in a financial position to pick and choose. So Im hoping to move to England in April.....April, because my kids school year is just about up at that time. I have already contacted a school for them to go to in September.(they do not want to leave Ireland and their friends etc.but my gut feeling is I (we) need to move) There I will have my sister and my oldest son (27) as support. *I hope to see my gp tomorrow and I will talk about coumadin !! I know I need to be stronger when explaining whats going on with me. As soon as he cuts in with some comment I ''shut up'', when what I actually want to do is say ''can you please let me finish what I was saying to you''.....mabey tomorrow. 8)
*Im actually learning stuff about myself since joining this 'family'. I am a fiercly private person and have always kept stuff to myself. I have somehow learned over the years to 'hide' or 'ignore' whats really going on and keep the best side out. I am now trying to 'unlearn' this with the help of all you guys. Many thanks.
It is very important that you communicate your doctor about all your concerns, after all it is YOUR health and he is there to listen. Maybe it will help if you write a list of your questions in a pad, bring it out and start by saying....?Doctor I have here a few questions that I?d like to go over with you?..that way he knows that you are prepared and you?ll be sure you don?t forget anything that you want to ask about. This has always worked for me and the doctors seem to appreciate they are not wasting time but answering very specific questions. Hope this works for you. Good luck
Thank you.....

Thank you.....

*Hi Maka.....Unfortunately I didnt get to see my gp today as my son is unwell with tonsillitis and I had to bring him to the doc...his tonsils are badly infected. Your advice about writing things down before going into see the doctor sounds like a really good idea!! Thanks so much. Best Wishes.

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