Heart patients and astrology

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Believe me when I tell you (the you refers to whoever reads this) that I am very scientific in my thought processes; however, I noticed something about the birthdays of VR members. Our birthdays cluster on specific dates. Check out the month of August and tell me what you think. I laugh at people who believe in astrology; yet, the joke may be on me! I couldn't believe the "Birthday Clustering Phenomenon". So maybe there is a link between valve disease and the relationships among the planets? Trust me, I pose this question and laugh at myself for even saying this!! I have always thought those folks who follow their astrological sign are wacko. Well, the joke is on me. My birthday is on August 8th and I share it with many other VR members. Maybe, August is defective valve month or maybe the 8th is just defective valve day because Pluto and Venus are closest together on this day and month of the year? Maybe, July 9th is the DAY OF DEFECTIVE MITRAL VALVES because Mars is high in the evening sky?

Please do not believe anything that I have said. Ignore it and stick with the existing models of genetic diseases. Some how the double helix molecule that makes us who we are simply tore a bit and we ended up with leaky, floppy, and redundant cusps of tissue that make up our valves. So, to the Mitrals out there I say, "PROLAPSE away my little pieces of tissue" and to the Aortics out there I say, "keep being insufficient and calcified". And, to the relationship among the planets, I think it still is a bunch of BS and I am embarrassed that I even entertained this half-witted idea! And no, I am not under the influence of an intoxicating substance. I am merely exhausted from my second day of cardiac rehab. Blame the rehab. therapist for my moronic meanderings.
hi gregg!
very funny... i'm making joey a 50th birthday party this summer and i'm actually having a palm reader/ tarot card person!!! i heard that this particular guy is really on the mark. whether that is good or bad , i'm not sure. naturally, they don't divulge bad news_especially at parties! i'd be kinda nervous anyway.
be well, sylvia
long, cold nights....

long, cold nights....

Or maybe November is just a really, really cold month, with really short days?? :eek: LOL

But hey, Grego....... You know what was really interesting when we all met in San Antonio, TX? Everyone there who had had a ?heart fix? was over six feet tall?!

My 6' 8" son has heart problems.. His older bro who is only a little over 5' 10 doesn?t. And most of the people in my rehab class are very tall people. :confused: Interesting, huh?

Maybe we should do a survey and find out how many people on the site are over six feet. Was everyone in TN tall too??

August Heat

August Heat

For me, I think that since I was born in a month when we get to 115 degrees around here, it baked my brain which then sent out signals to my aortic valve to only form two leaflets instead of three.

At least thats my theory.

I am a firm believer in the idea that astrology is the thickest form of CRAP.

And thats from the book of Hank :D
Hrrrmmmm. 6' 1" here. I smell a conspiracy.....

A number of years ago I used to build telescopes as an amateur astronomer but people kept saying I was an atrologer LOL. :D
RE: Hank and Re: Tall

RE: Hank and Re: Tall

Hank, I would have to say I subscribe to the book of Hank. Given that you have developed this site, I think it is appropriate for me to agree with you. I give you a lot of credit for what you have done. And, remember, your site is only as good as it's MEMBERS. You have some great members!

Rain, from my understanding of genetics. There is a greater prevalence of connective tissue disease in tall people. Marfans Syndrome is something you should investigate. Please excuse me if I am insulting your intelligence. I'm not sure if you've heard of it. I am marfanoid. I am 6'4'', lanky, have a high arched pallet (mouth). However, a biopsy of my heart from my surgery in 1992 didn't show Marfans Syndrome. But I do have features of Marfans. It is important to keep in mind that this disease process is very different from the cardiac consequences of Rheumatic fever. Marfans folks tend to have aortic insufficiency and are susceptible to dissecting aortas. It sure would be fun to have a geneticist as a VR consultant.

Take Care,
Hey Johnny

Hey Johnny

By the way, hi Johnny. I just wanted to make sure that I said hello given that you and I share the same operation date. Let's hope that the stars were all aligned in a way that we will live until 95 and die quietly in our sleep. Why don't I believe that I'll make it. I hope I at least get to those numbers in some sequence. Maybe, 59? At this rate, I'll settle for that. Hope you are well. I started rehab. and it is kicking my ass. I get real fatigued afterwards. How are you doing with it. E-mail me at [email protected]

Take Care,


Adrienne and I shared the same birthday, June 10th...and guess what?..My daughter's name is Adriane....

Just wanted to add a note. My husband is 6'3". His normal weight is 180-190. He did have rheumatic fever at age 19.

When his surgeon saw him prior to surgery, he questioned him as to whether he had ever been evaluated for Marfan's. (which he hasn't)

The surgeon told him that he was a "big buy", and that the pump (aka heart) has to work harder to get the blood supply up to the brain, and down to the feet. He seemed to think that's why taller people have had more problems. Only makes sense.

Besides the tall, thin, and high palate.....what are the other signs?
It would be interesting to see just how many tall people have aorta and/or valve problems. I am 5'11" and will also celebrate my 59th year! Gads!! So please think more positive thoughts about how long you'll be around! My surgeon also said I had Marfan like characteristics but no Marfans. Thank goodness! :)
Marfan Syndrom and Janie's red cowboy boots

Marfan Syndrom and Janie's red cowboy boots

Yep, I?ve investigated Marfan?s syndrome. :( But I didn?t know that being tall related to other heart patients too. Interesting.

Did you send the biopsy to Ohio or where ever it is that they do the testing? My cardio told me there is only one place in the US that does the genetic testing... and that it costs $4,000.00. Since my son had most of the characteristics of Marfan?s and had been through lots of other tests confirming it, we didn?t do that one.

Did you know that you can have varying degrees of severity of Marfan?s? Yep, I have a ?mild? version of it. My son has almost all of the characteristics, including a dilated aorta.

Mberge, my son did his senior report on Marfan?s syndrome. I?ll send you a copy of it if you would like. He got an ?A? on it. :) But this seems to sum it up pretty good.....

I looked in his file of reference material for the report and found this on a card sent to him from "National Marfan Foundation":

Frequently tall and thin
Long extremities, fingers & toes
Joint hypermobility
Flat feet
Indented or protruding chest wall
Tests: Clinical evaluation
Treatment: Braces, surgery

Dislocated lens
Flat cornea
Retinal detachment
Tests: Slit-lamp exam
Treatments: Glasses, medications, surgery

Aortic enlargement
Aortic aneurysm
Aortic valve regurgitation
Mitral valve prolapse
Tests: Echocardiogram, MRI CT scan
Treatments: Medications, restricted physical activity, prophylactic surgery

Stretch marks
High arched palate
Spontaneous lung collapse

Marfan syndrome
Aortic aneurysm
Unexplained cariovascular death

Well, Ms. Janie... You had yourself disguised as a ?tall person? with the heels on those bright red cowboy boots! lol

59 ?!?!

59 ?!?!

59? :eek: I'm 43 now so 59 is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too soon for me! If I don't make 95, I'll be really PO'd!!!

Basically, I'm not going.
Thanks Rain

Thanks Rain

I just thought I would say thanks to you because you posted that information about Marfans. I really appreciate it as you provided information for another VR member. Rain, let's take this further and talk about ethnicity and ancestry. I am Jewish. My grandfather is of Western Russian descent. How about you?
5' 5 1/2", does this make me 5' 6"? Anyway, I'm a long way from 6'+ feet. What's my problem? :(

I'm a Mongrel or a mix of a lot of ethnic backgrounds.
I'm only 5'3"..I sure don't fit the profile. My daughter is 5'2" and has the same valve problem as I had that will eventually be replaced. Ethnic background for me is Irish/English...for my daughter Irish/English/Italian...

Sorry to throw a 'kink' in your theories. I think valve disease has no discrimination.

Zipper *~*
No Problem

No Problem


You see, you don't have a problem. Maybe, we need the help of the stars to explain your plight in this world? Here's my theory-Mars was waxing in it's orbit while Jupiter was at its perigee in regards to venus. Pluto was feeling cold, alone, and distant. The sun, burning with rage and fury, sent out a solar flare to earth and poor you (as fetus) absorbed that flare and it altered chromosome-R3B561-A-2J6-U11 on the gene WD-40. I wanted to give you a clear answer as to why you have had to go through all of this pain.

Best wishes Ross

[NOTE: THE ABOVE IS COMEDY. THAT IS, I'M JOKING! I didn't want anyone to think that I'm being serious--ever!]
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That was interesting. My husband is tall, and lanky. Long fingers and toes. His chest did protrude on one side, prior to having heart surgery. 6'3" and 185 lbs. - None of the other symptons seem to fit, but I do not know about his palate. Oh, I forgot, prior to surgery they did say they thought his aorta was dilated, and he might need a replacement. But, when the surgeon went in, he felt it was from the regurgitation, and would relax back into the right size.

He is of French Canadian/Irish descent.

Thanks Greg.

Now I have the perfect understanding of it. I think I'll print it out and the next time I have to fill out those ever annoying physician medical history reports, I'll attach a copy. I've always wanted to baffle one of them! :D
I'm a 'mutt'.

I'm a 'mutt'.

Well, Greggo...

My father?s side of the family is Heron Indian / Irish / and mostly English.

My Mother?s side is Scotch / Irish / English.

I guess we would have to blame it (Marfan?s) on the ?English??? Whaddya think?

I believe I inherited my heart problems from my father?s side of the family. That?s where the height comes from. My Dad was 6'6" Mostly tall, slender people on his side.

Interestingly enough ...most of my ancestors lived to be very old people. :confused: I'm planning on sticking with the pattern and living to be at least 95! Speaking of which..... I?ve already got the invitations to my 95th B-day party made.... and your name is on one of them! You wouldn't really consider messing up my plans, would you? :mad:

I'm there

I'm there


Thank you so much for the invitation to your 95th B-day party. I'll bring the Polydent for my dentures (I'll probably have them by then) and some stool softener for everybody! Thanks for the report on your ancestry. I was talking with my dad and we talked about genetic mutations and it is probably that, a mutation that is passed along many ancestral backgrounds. By the way, when and where is the VR reunion. Have you been to one? Are you going? Has anybody else gone? Tell me some stories please because I would like to go.
