Heart patients and astrology

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Hi Greg,

VR.com #4 union is coming up. October 9th-13th. Las Vegas. Not to be missed.

We have had great memorable times in the past. San Antonio, Scottsdale, Nashville.

Plans are in the works, correct guys? Hank and Perry would be good contacts for details.

Grealty looking forward to seeing everyone. And meeting our new friends!


OK..Greggo...Fun is good...serious, too...When U R kiddin..how about a LOL! I wasn't sure if you were serious about Marfans/Height..and assumed you were jokin' about the Astrology....Written word..Hmmm...hard to know sometimes! ;-)

Start packin' Greg!

Start packin' Greg!

I went to our very first reunion in San Antonio, TX. It was the most amazing experience. It was as if we had known each other forever. Absolutely wonderful people. I cannot explain how it felt to meet them... just ?awesome?.

?Stories? hmm.... Well, I could tell you how Janie, Gina and I flashed the busiest street in Texas while admiring our scars! lol But I better not.....

6 months later there was a reunion in Scottsdale, AZ. Then the 2nd annual reunion in Nashville, TN. Kids, life, stuff like that got in the way and I was unable to attend either of those. :( The next annual reunion will be in Las Vegas, NV. Oct. 9 - 13. I?m betting it will be the biggest one yet!! I am planning to be at that one... one way or the other!

When we met in San Antonio, TX we all stayed in the same hotel. That made it much easier to communicate.. meet at the bar for a ?coke? or what ever. (Isn?t that right, Gina) lol And Bob F. What ever happened to him?? Anyone heard from him?

Is everyone staying at the same hotel in Las Vegas?? We should post the name, so we can make reservations early. I?m planning to drive my car... did I tell you all I got a new car last weekend?!! :)

Start packin', Greg. I'll even take you for a ride in my new car. :p I'm a safe driver... I promise!
At 5'8" I am taller than the average woman of 5'4".
My GP who was instrumental in finding my aortic aneurism suspected Marfan's as I was only 115lbs then. My cardiologist also suspected Marfan's but the surgeon said it didn't look like a Marfan's aneurism. I guess they have a certain shape which was unlike mine. They did the path report after my surgery and it turned out to be granulomatous aortitis, not Marfan's. This still has never told me much about what my problem was or maybe still is. I do have inflamation problems as well as having double hernia repaired. Connective tissue problems caused by what is still unknown.
I don't think about it much any more.
I sure am glad we can be fixed, but it would be nice to get even more info afterwards!
Another kink in the theory

Another kink in the theory

Here I am at 5'2", born in January, Irish/French/German/American Indian! Of course every rule has it's exceptions! Do Hobbits have more heart problems?
Lucky man

Lucky man

Dear Dave,

You are a lucky man to be alive. I am 6'4'' and on the slender side. I have features of Marfan's Syndrome (marfanoid); however I don't have enough to meet the diagnosis. The biopsy taken from my first open heart revealed that I didn't have Marfan's. My neighbor from N.Y (former chief of pediatric cardiology at Mout Sinai) picked up my murmur at age 6 or 7 (I'm now 35). I have been lucky that I was followed since then. I was told at age 12 that I would need my aortic valve replaced before I was 25. Sure enough, that MD was 100% correct. A month before my 25th birthday, I was on the table getting my sternum cracked open. I used to lift weights and run a 5' 15" mile. However, that heart was enlarging. Anyway, that is my story. Glad to hear that they got to you in time and therefore you can educate others. I'd like to know how you feel now and how you are doing in terms of your general health.