Heart enlargement -

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Try not to stress out, Christina.

Try not to stress out, Christina.

Girlfriend you gotta not let stuff stress you out so much! :eek: I know stress definitely makes my a-fib worse. I also know it's easier said than done (the stress stuff) .... but I worry about you worrying too much. :eek: That?s sort of a weird statement, isn?t it? :confused: :D But it?s true.

My heart was enlarged before surgery and still is. My cardio says it?s because my heart was screwed up for so long before we put in the mechanical valve. It always will be. I think there are alot of people with enlarged hearts.... and it sounds like yours is still within the 'high-normal'. I know how you worry.... try not to. :)

Congrats on getting a baby from China!! I bet you?re excited. I?m gonna be a Grandma soon!! I can?t wait!
It would be interesting to do a poll on heart enlargement. I would guess that a good portion of us have some enlargement.

Mine is slightly enlarged (past upper normal limits), but like Rain, it's because I went along time w/out the surgery fix. It hasnt stopped me from working out and leading a rather busy life.
Well Rain -

Well Rain -

now I am worrying about you worrying about me. ;)

Thanks for sharing your experiences. I think what has shocked me is that I NEVER heard this before - that my right atrium and right ventricle were upper limits of normal size. It was never mentioned before just that my left atrium was upper limits of normal size. So, I am just kind of unsure if it is starting to enlarge or if it has been that way all along and no one bothered to mention it because they didn't think it was a big deal.

I think it is pretty clear from what you all have said that MY enlargement was probably there all along - as most of us on this thread had mitral valve problems and I would guess most people have the same things happen with their heart who have the same valve abnormality.

Anyway, I will try not to worry Rain!! Yes, we are excited about having a child, but very, very scared (and worried) :eek: - too. You know, I just have to have something to worry about all the time, otherwise I am bored. Ha. As it stands right now, we will be going to China to get "Emma" next February - God willing - and if all goes smoothly with the dossier and the Chinese Consulate side of things.

Congratulations Rain on expecting your first grandchild. I hear that is the BEST - you will be getting that bumper sticker that says "If I had known grandchildren were so much fun, I would have had them first." :) Post photos and an announcement as soon as the little bundle of joy arrives. I am really happy for you.

Thanks, again, everyone for your answers to my questions on this thread.

I know having an enlarged heart is not unusual even for a lot of healthy people and like my cardio said, there are 85-year-olds with moderately enlarged hearts who do just fine and have lived that way for years and years. So, we're all gonna be okay - we just have more love (larger hearts) to share with others.

Christina L
Nathan's entire heart was enlarged. He was also put on the generic Coreg and Toprol, to minimize any further enlargement. Toprol was also for his atrial fib, but his cardio also said the combo of these two would give maximum effectiveness in reversing this damage, or preventing any further....as mmarshel mentioned.

Congrats on your upcoming adoption!! How exciting!!! You will have to keep us posted on all of the exciting dates to come!!!
Christina, My heart is enlarged as well

Christina, My heart is enlarged as well

I have "Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy" which means that my heart muscle is growing "extra fibers" due to genetics and therefore stiffening the heart muscle, and the SPH (Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension) and Sleep Apnea in my case, have caused my ventrical (left side) and atrium (again, left side) to enlarge, now as for the right side, I still have to find that out after I see the Pulmonary Hypertension Specialist next week and hopefully, he will do a right heart cath and let me know if things have progressed....This is just what has happened to me personally...just wanted to share this in hopes that it might help you in some small way....God knows that I hope that this isn't the case with you, and that you are doing terrific, and I am routing and praying hard that you get some solid answers and soon. Harrybaby:D :D :D
Congratulations Grandma Rain!!!!

Congratulations Grandma Rain!!!!

Rain said:
Girlfriend you gotta not let stuff stress you out so much! :eek: I know stress definitely makes my a-fib worse. I also know it's easier said than done (the stress stuff) .... but I worry about you worrying too much. :eek: That?s sort of a weird statement, isn?t it? :confused: :D But it?s true.

My heart was enlarged before surgery and still is. My cardio says it?s because my heart was screwed up for so long before we put in the mechanical valve. It always will be. I think there are alot of people with enlarged hearts.... and it sounds like yours is still within the 'high-normal'. I know how you worry.... try not to. :)

Congrats on getting a baby from China!! I bet you?re excited. I?m gonna be a Grandma soon!! I can?t wait!

When is your grandbaby due? I am going to be an "Uncle Harrybaby" for the first time in May, and like you, I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!:D :D :D :D My prayers and best wishes for a BEAUTIFUL new grandbaby for ya!!! Harrybaby:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Hmm... sounds like your Worry Gland is way more enlarged than your heart - keep an eye on it before it gets into the danger zone! ;)


You are too ornery, but you are probably also too right!!

I will have the doc check my worry gland next time I'm in the office. Come to think of it, you know (I) probably REALLY have such a thing. Hee. :p

I hope all is well with the new doggie that you adopted from the Humane Society - you are a good person for doing that, you know!

And Harry Baby thanks for the advice and telling me about your condition. Also congrats on soon to become a new uncle! There is nothing like that either!! I have been told over and over that I don't have pulmonary hypertension. I am now honing in on hypothyroidism as a possibility. We will see. The pulmonologist's visit is this Friday. I will let you know ASAP what was found.

Christina L
Hi Normal

Hi Normal

I know the worry reflex lies very close to the surface, but try not to worry any more than you absolutely have to. I think "high normal" is really not so bad. When it comes to health, I love anything with the word "normal" in it. I know it's difficult, but try to focus on the fact that your 2nd opinions are not talking about another surgery. When is "good enough," good enough? To me, it's anytime a dr. uses the word "normal."

Your recent encouraging words when I was panicing after my cardio told me I had leaky valves (2 yrs. post-surgery) really helped to put my situation in perspective. You were correct, of course. I ended up not needing a second surgery, and so what if my valves are a little "leaky." It may not all be perfect, but for me it's good enough.

Lightheadedness experiences: I got lightheaded when I first went on beta blockers, but it went away after a short time. One doctor told me most meds have some kind of lightheadness or dizziness as a side effect. I also get lightheaded from lying in one position too long and my eustastian tube fills up and causes inner ear problems. In any event, if it were me, I'd continue to press the dr. about the problem or consider getting a second opinion. You deserve to know the cause.

My prayers are with you on Friday. Congrats on the adoption process in China!
Christina don?t worry about calling me OME I have been called a lot worse. :D I was in Left and Right side heart failure before surgery. The Left side performance was so bad things were banking up through the lungs to the Right side of the heart causing that to fail. I was a mess; I couldn't have the Ross procedure that had been planned for because my heart function was so bad and the operation had to be delayed a week while the CHF was treated. After treatment for the CHF started and the AVR was done my Right side heart function had returned to normal 6 weeks post AVR. It took a further 12 months for the Left side to return to normal. On admittance to hospital the LV was 80mm, three days post operation it was 75mm, 6weeks post op it was 65mm and at 14 months it was 46mm. As I said the cardio and surgeon were amazed that it returned to normal. You should see the greatest improvement in heart function and remodelling in the first 12 months, it can continue to go on after this. I do not take any vitamins or herbal supplements specifically for the heart. I have taken a number of heart drugs over the period post operation; these have been reduced as my heart has improved. The only drug I now take is 4 mg Peridopril an ACE inhibitor and 100mg Aspirin. I do exercise; I started walking everyday after I got home from hospital. At 6 months post operation I started lap swimming several times a week (I was a lap swimmer before this whole heart mess started) and at 9 months I started at the gym. Since I started at the gym my training routine has consisted of 4 gym session a week and 1 swim. The gym is cardio work and moderate weights. As for Lance Armstrong he would have athletes heart this is a recognised by product of his extreme aerobic training, it is common in elite athletes in these types of sports. As far as your heart size goes I think the important thing to focus on; seeing it is still within normal size is if it is getting larger over time. If the size is stable and the function is good I wouldn't be overly concerned. Given you live in Colorado at high altitude your heart does have to work harder. I would ask the cardio how much this high altitude is impacting your heart. :)
Thanks OME -

Thanks OME -

Wow you really had a miracle happen with your heart! That is fantastic. I would say, though, that your consistent exercise really helped. I have to admit that after a certain point after my surgery, I was exercising maybe 1-2 times a week, if that, feeling that I was home free. I don't know if the lack of exercise has anything to do with things or not.

I do worry about the altitude we live at - we live in the mountains at 7700 feet. I have asked the cardio and he says it makes no difference - he only sends people with lung problems to sea level. I deliver Meals on Wheels here in Estes and practically 100% of the people I deliver to are wearing nasal cannula oxygen - some are smokers but most are not - of course they are very elderly people. When I look at them, I see myself in 10 years, and I will only be 56 then.

I want to move to a lower elevation, but at 4700 feet there is just 10-15% more oxygen - I am wondering if that would make a difference or not.

I know another couple - he had aortic valve repair (they were in their 70s) who moved down to a lower elevation here in Colorado right after his surgery as she said, "It's a no brainer that living up here is hard on the heart."

Unfortunately my husband is really making things hard - he does not want to move - that is a personal issue, but it really bothers me that he is putting his precious mountains before his new wife's health. Again, another issue, and one that is not good for my heart either. :(

From what I gather, the cardio has said the size has stayed stable over the years, but I am just confused as my echo reports read "normal" right atrium and right ventricle two years ago before my surgery. Now the report reads "mildly dilated." I guess maybe upper limits of normal is a real subjective thing.

Thanks OME!!

Christina L
Christine, don't forget that, to a point, echo interpretation is subjective. This is why there are small discrepancies in your echos. I would consider a heart size of "upper limits of normal" a victory if your doctor is saying it hasn't really changed over the years.
Thanks Karlynn -

Thanks Karlynn -

Good things to remember and I will try. I just feel I am in a tailspin right now - after two years of smooth sailing after my surgery, I was blindsided by that darned echo report last November. The tailspin is slowing down a bit, but I am still left wondering what the heck is going on, especially as I am now wearing oxygen at night.

Your words are always comforting and I appreciate them very much.

Have a great day!

Christina L
Christine don?t worry about me worrying about you!!

Christine don?t worry about me worrying about you!!

I?ll be worried about you worrying about me worrying about you!! :D

I do see your point about not knowing if it was always enlarged or if this is something new. Can you call the cardio and ask him?

I?ve been meaning to make a spreadsheet to track my echo results. Didn?t we talk about that one time in the forum a long time ago? I wonder if anyone ever made one?

Wow... so you already know the child you will get?? That's really neat!

Harrybaby.... I?m due to be ?Grandma Rain? on May 17th ..... scooooot over Granbonnie! :p :D We can celebrate together, Harrybaby!

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