Having my first CAT Scan on Friday

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Bryan B

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2004
No contrast involved. They are checking anterior chest wall for wire rub, infection, and anything else that may be causing my pain and swelling in my upper left incision area. I've heard about the claustrophobia potential and have been instructed to be NPO after midnite, any other things I should be aware of?

CAT scan is a walk in the park. Your passed in and out of the tube so fast that there isn't time to get claustro. It takes a whole 3 to 5 minutes. Now if it were an MRI, that's a touch different. ;) NPO? Normally Pee'd Out?
I'll second what Ross said. I've had a few CAT scans and one MRI after surgery to look for cause of upper back pain. CAT scans were quick and easy; the MRI on the other hand :eek: :eek: I couldn't go through with the first one until my doc prescribed a sedative. Went back the next day in a pleasant euphoric state and got through it easily :cool: Let us know how everything goes. Ross, I think your definition of NPO describes me on any given day :D

Ross is right. Compared to the small diameter tube of an MRI, the Cat Scan is huge and very open.

I had a Cat Scan with contrast of my chest several weeks after surgery. It showed pulmonary scarring, presumedly from surgery. My valve replacement had been through a heartport approach through my right chest wall. A follow-up Cat Scan in January showed the condition is stable which is very good news.

I hope you find out what is going on with your chest and that whatever it is will soon be better.
Bryan compared to what you have already been through. A CAT scan is so easy. Because of all my cancers, back pain and surgeries, I've had numerous CAT scans. You just lie there and take deep breaths and hold while they run you through this open tube. No big deal. EASY! ! I sincerely pray that they find out why you are having so much pain.
Thanks for the replies!

I had my machines mixed up. I did some research after I posted this (I know...google first...then ask :D) and found out that the CT scan is the one that is open.

I was just thinking as I was taking my dose of Medrol dosepack today, should I have started this before the CT scan? It has reduced the pain and inflammation significantly, which leads me to believe that it might mask the problem. Right before they diagnosed my endocarditis and put me in the hospital I was on Medrol dosepack, and for the week I was on it I felt like a million bucks. As soon as I went off of it all my symptoms came back. Sorry, just thinking out loud. :eek:
Bryan, I just came off a course of prednisone for a rotaor cuff problem. I'm so much better I'm not even considering surgery at this point. I hope your medrol dose pack does the trick for you. If it is a wire problem then I think it would still show up on the Cat Scan.
Thanks Betty. My main concern was that the wire poking into muscle wouldn't show up if the Medrol reduced the inflammation. This might sound weird, but I'm almost hoping it is a wire so I can have it removed and be done with it. From what I've read about costochondritis, it can heal up quickly or linger for years. (it's all about having control :D)
Hi Bryan. I am very claustrophobic, so I let them know before hand. Their always very reassuring and I just have to put it in proper perspective. Hope they find the problem. ... Mark
Mark the CATSCAN is pretty well open and the actually scan last about 30 seconds. It's very fast. The MRI on the other hand, even I can barely deal with. I had to keep my eyes closed for the entire 2 hours I was in the tube or I'd would have freaked out. I kid you not, a casket has more room to move in then the MRI tube does. :eek:
Awww, geez. I have an MRI coming Wednesday. And I am totally claustrophobic. They're going to carry me away in a straight jacket...

Possibly after I harm someone or something...
Bob ask them if they have an open MRI. One of our hospitals here have one and it's so much better to deal with because your not closed in.

You might have a hard time with it. Sometimes your doc can order a valium or something that might help. I kept my eyes shut and sang songs (only in my head- not outloud) and that kept me from freaking out. I had it done prior to back surgery and had a very hard time getting comfortable anyhow.
My appointment was at 8:00AM, they called me back at 7:50 and was done at 7:55...first time I can recall being done with a medical appointment before it was actually scheduled. :D

I asked the tech about being on the Medrol dosepak for 3 days prior to the test and she said that it could potentially mask a problem depending on what they are looking for. How's that for a safe answer. :D

I couldn't get anything out of her and I haven't heard from my doc, so it looks like I won't know anything until Monday. :rolleyes:


:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: PCP nurse gave me 2 sedatives to take. Took one when I left home and thought I didn't need the other one. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: If I ever have to have another one..I will take the entire bottle. Was terrified..you can barely hear the tech talk.. :eek: I thought, is this what it feels like to be buried alive. :eek: :eek: Bonnie