Having a tough time.

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Hey Mark - You've got a lot of people pulling for you and hoping you feel better soon. Too many marathons for you to run - you can't be lollygagging around in sick bay. Seriously - you have my thought and prayers. Chris
Mark, count me in; I'm so sorry to hear of your problems. You'r ein my prayers and thoughts. Bless your heart (etc.). You really do have quite a rooting section.
I am extremely moved and touched by each and everyone of you. Thank you so much for the prayers and support. Right now I am very nauseated, which I understand comes with the anti-biotic. It was a real tough day at work, but it keeps my mind on other things. I am just feeling very weak at the moment. I'll try to listen to my body, and at this point will stay on my training plan. I admit I am gritting my teeth, but training through this makes me more determined to kick this in the butt; even if it is trying to kick me in the butt! May the best man win! :D

PS I wish we all lived next door. You all are the best. We could call the town 'Clickerville' or how about 'Valvevetta'?

PS I will also answer all the PMs when I get the chance. I'm on that work and sleep schedule at the moment. I read them all. Thank you so much.

Thanks for sharing and you are in our prayers as well. I am sure they will find a solution and you will be fine. Stay positive.



I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. When the world gets me down I feel like the rain won't stop I always think of the Psalms 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God". This verse has gotten me through many. many tough times. You have accomplished so much already and God is faithful. He will not let you down now. Good luck
Mark, sorry to hear about this downer. Hope things start looking up on this scene. As others have said, this is the place to come whenever you need to talk for whatever reason...vent, whine, celebrate...you name it. Also sending prayers your way often.
Mark, expect weird things, like nausea, when you are on these very strong antibiotics - after the Levaquin, I wasn't well yet so my primary put me on Cipro, which also caused weird things. I had trouble sleeping and attributed it to the antibiotic so I looked it up on the net and sure nuff there were all those strange symptoms that antibiotics can cause, including sleeplessness.
h mark!
i was so sorry to come home and read about your setback.
have the docs tried several antibiotics? some may work better/ faster (particularely in that area) than others.
i know it really complicates things when you have a "fixed valve" and infections in the body...
i'm so sorry you have to go through this.
please let us know how you are doing.
feel better and know that we are all praying for you,
Hello my friends,
This is the first time I had a chance to read my mail in the last four days, so I apologize for being so slow with the update. The Levaquin is not working. Yesterday the doctor wanted me to go to the ER since it was Sunday. I admit I tried to be the tough guy and suck it up, thinking I could work for a couple of more days, and take care of this on my three days off. (Tuesday through Thursday.) I paid dearly last night. Serves me right, and my wife and co-workers all chewed me out for being so stubborn! It is Monday, and last night I told work I won't be in today. Part of the reason I didn't go to the hospital is One, I'm a little nervous about all this. I really thought the anti-biotics would take care of the problem, and the doctor said Levaquin is the drug of choice for infection in this area. Now I'm beginning to wonder what is really going on. I'm sure I am about to find out. Two ... (the other reason) I love my wife so very much. She has been with me through heart surgery and recovery. I just hate to even think of putting her through anything else.
I think they want to xray my prostate and bladder and the other areas. I'm not sure if they will go ahead and send me to the UW now. I know I cannot go on like this. The only way I can describe what this feels like, is someone taking their finger nails and scraping a chalk board.
What ever comes of all this, I truly trust God. In the meantime, I have been keeping my running up. It is pretty miserable, but that marathon will happen.
Thank you each and everyone for your support. Again, I will reply to all the PMs as soon as possible.
PS Les, I hope your doing okay? I'm worried about you. Your in my prayers and thought of often. Give me a call Wednesday or Thursday evening if you have the time.

I was about to come looking for you since I haven't seen you around in a few days. I figured something was up.

I know how you feel about the wife and what she's been through, but I think even she would want you healthy and happy. You can't possibly be if your miserable.

Still holding you in the prayers. Please keep in touch when possible.

Hi Mark.....as your post script so aptly put it:


Have faith, my friend. All will be well. Lean on your wife, it's ok. She's plenty strong----you found that out when you had the heart problem, and she wants to be there for you.

I haven't been around much lately, and just saw your thread for the first time today. Just want to add my best wishes to everyone elses, and hope they get you all fixed up pronto!

Get well soon!

I had a pretty extensive exam yesterday, with blood work and cameras. Let's just say I walked out feeling violated! :D I feel funny saying this, but your all like my brothers and sisters now, so what the heck ... the prostate is showing a problem, but the doctor now is beginning to wonder if this problem is coming from somewhere else; so today I get to drink the barium and have a CT scan of my colon and digestive tract.
Lots of pain killers and drugs at the moment. I know they are not supposed to interact with my coumadin and I have been careful about asking, but I think I'll check my INR to be on the safe side today. Wednesday, the doctor wants to see me again about results, and where we go next. Today, I'll run 5.5 miles. I have been put on Pyridium, so that should help make my runs a little more comfortable. Hopefully we can get to the heart (pardon the pun) of this thing, so I can put it behind me and quit complaining. I'm sure my wife would say I make a lousy patient! That's okay, I'm on her good side tonight. I bought her an espresso machine and grinder for her birthday. (hey, don't look at me like that ... she got a diamond tennis bracelet last year) I'm still paying on that one! :rolleyes: That's okay, shes worth it, and I'm one spoiled brat. :p

Blessings ... Mark

Good luck with your doctor's visit. I hope all this testing will reveal what the problem is. Medical testing can sometimes (often) feel like a violation.

This is a funny analogy, maybe you'll find the humor in it, maybe not, I've got a strange sense of humor.

When we take our animals to the vets, they get poked and prodded in every orifice. I (as the dog or cat's mommy) don't think anything of it, and neither does the vet. They do this all day long, every day. No big deal. The animal might find it a little uncomfortable, but they aren't embarassed by it. Every animal on earth has just about the same plumbing with some minor variations. It goes in travels around a little bit and then it comes out, and it's all part of the grand design. If any part of the system doesn't work up to its potential, than it's got to be fixed. I'm sure anything on your body, the docs have seen before. Think of how many people they see in a day.

We are all your brothers and sisters. It's a big family here. Nice gift you got for your wife, an expresso machine, does it make cappucino also? I love that.

Again, best wishes tomorrow. Let us know how things go.
Hi Nancy,
Very well said.
It does have a cappucino maker on it. Now we just have to figure out how to use it.
I just want you to know, I really appreciate your wisdom and knowledge. These boards would not be the same without it.

Have a great day! :)
Best wishes

Best wishes

Our prayers are with you, Mark. I told the nurses when I was recovering from my surgery about this guy I knew about ran a marathon for his one year anniversary, and what an inspiration that was to me.


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