Having a TEE this Wednesday

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Danny said:
I am probably a couple of months away from OHS. I haven't even talked with a surgeon yet. I know it's a MUCH bigger deal than this little test but I hope that, like this test, the thought of it is much worse than the reality.



Glad to hear everything went so well with the TEE. I guess you didn't get to "SLEEP THROUGH IT" after all. As far as the BIGGER DEAL coming, I guess they like to put us through all these TESTS to get us prepared for the ultimate :D :D .

May God Bless,

Glad to hear that everything went well..........

Glad to hear that everything went well..........

and was not too traumatic. Hopefully, though, you WILL be asleep through the "bigger deal" coming up. :D Hugs and keep us posted. J.
Danny said:
Hi everyone,

I just got home from the TEE and did just fine with it. The doctor was delayed about 90 minutes so I laid on the table for a long time, but it was no big deal. The worse thing is that I am SO hungry and thirsty and have to wait another hour or two before I can eat!

For some reason, Versed doesn't seem to do much to me. I barely noticed a "calming" effect when I had the cath and this time with the TEE. I experienced none of the amnesia that people talk about. I remember everyhing. The nurse said that can happen to people who have had alcohol recently. Well, I always have a cocktail the night before the calm my nerves. Now I know! ;-)

Next step for me is to see my cardiologist in 2 weeks. Then he will refer me to a surgeon.

Thanks to everyone for your support!

They usually use a combo of Versed and Demerol. I know that would have put your lights out!
Ross said:
They usually use a combo of Versed and Demerol. I know that would have put your lights out!

Yep, that's what it was! I was relaxed my lights were definitely on!
The doc can control your level of awareness anywhere from awake but don't care to don't want to know or remember anything, simply by adjusting the amount of Versed given.

Versed also has an amnesia effect so when you come to, you may 'seem' to function normally but may not remember anything you said or heard or did for several hours afterward. That's why they want someone ELSE to drive you home and for you to rest at home for the remainder of the day.

'AL Capshaw'
Ross said:
They usually use a combo of Versed and Demerol. I know that would have put your lights out!
I had the nasty throat spray, plus the Versed and Demerol. My lights went out, but came back on when I woke up thinking I was choking to death. They said I was fighting light a madman, trying to pull the tube out of my throat. They had to bring on the heavier drugs to totally knock me out.

Thanks for your descriptions of your TEE. I've had 3 -- all on the OR table during my MVR, so I have no memory of what went on.
I've been cursed with an excellent gag reflex all my life -- I throw up when I get bronchitis. If/when I need another TEE, I think I'll ask for complete nighty-night!

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