having a great day!

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well, today is going great.. my co-worker went duck hunting this past weekend and offered to give my boyfriend some duck since he didn't get to go hunting this year.. and our fried turkeys are once again a huge hit ... my christmas shopping is almost done and i was able to help my co-worker in los angeles find some christmas items she can afford with out going into debt.. i went to the gym this weekend and actually like it.. just having a great day and wanted to share it..

Well alrighty then, Mrs. Sunshine Happy Person!
Your a million steps ahead of me. :D
Glad to know things are going good, if not great, for you.
Fried Turkeys?

Fried Turkeys?

Wow, Chris, sounds like you are getting the week off to a great start!

I gotta ask...and here's the straight line of your life: How do you fry a turkey? :p
funny you should ask.. my home office in miami is going to try and attempt it.. you can buy the turkey fryers at target, walmart and sams across the US.. or you can go to


where you can buy all that you need (except the turkey) plus direction on how too.. they are great... my boyfriend is from lousiana, where they originated from and has been frying them for over 20 years..
They're actually more difficult to smoke. ( hard to keep lit...)
Love it...we all need to contribute to the new straight line:
"How do you fry a turkey?" There's a thousand possibilities!
Chris, it's great your day and week are getting off to a fantastic start. We all benefit from good cheer!
Take care...
AVR '93 / '95
ah, now i get it.. sorry, missed the joke last time.. straight line on
"how do you fry a turkey" thousand possibilities, etc...

sorry, entering produce claims, responding to work email, posting on vr.com and answering phones - i'm on a caffine high and heads a spinning..

later ya'll

Had my first fried turkey years ago in a country setting - homemade fry pot, filled with oil to a certain degree, drop in the turkey, let fry for about 2 hrs (I think) - it's totally done. Peel off the skin and the turkey is sooooooooo good. This was done by guys on a ranch and they knew just how to do it - and the girls just furnished the rest. They they came out with the fryers and it sure has spread since then. Ya'll ought to try it.