Have You Experienced An Event?

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Have You Experienced An Event?

  • NDE-Out of Body

    Votes: 5 15.6%
  • NDE-Unexplainable

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • Anesthesia Induced

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • Totally Unexplainable Event

    Votes: 7 21.9%
  • I Experienced No Events

    Votes: 14 43.8%
  • I Do Not Beleive In This Nonsense

    Votes: 3 9.4%

  • Total voters


I just know that I feel better and more able to handle stress better than before. I am calmer and more able to deal with stress. That is all of my experience. Good luck with the rest here.
2 answers from me.

2 answers from me.

1) Nothing to do with surgery or NDE, but as a child I remember regularly after getting into bed I would mentally "float up" to the corner of the bedroom ceiling and just hang about for a while as a tiny speck, looking down at myself. I have a feeling that sometimes I wandered off elsewhere but I have no definite recollection of that. I thought everyone did this and when I realised they didn't, I stopped it. I've never told anyone this and feel rather embarrassed to admit to it. But, well, I'm not going to meet you in the supermarket am I....

2) During an emergency caesarian operation 15 years ago I had the most vivid "experience" which I don't consider a dream but something that actually occurred, although what happened couldn't have been any kind of reality that we know. I was told afterwards by the doctors that I had 'become aware' (basically, I'd woken up) during surgery - although I stayed fully paralysed - not uncommon in emergency caesarians. Logically, I know that what happened during my "event" must have been the effects of the anaesthetic, but I still don't consider it as such. As far as I'm concerned it actually happened.
I haven?t had my operation yet. I just want to thank everyone for shearing your experiences with the rest of us. I was very moved by your stories.

Thanks again

My mother and I both have had this happen. When I had my last stroke before my vale replacement I saw eveybody in my family that had died. My grandmother, father, younger sister. They tell me I woke up in ICU saying their names.
Yes...totally Unexplained Event

Yes...totally Unexplained Event

Well, I posted this little segment to my Post Surgery post and thought I'd just jot it down here also. Thanks Ross for the vote.

I must relay a very real encounter that happened to me in the Hospital Sunday evening. Some may call me crazy, but I call it angels from God that gave me peace. I've already relayed this story to my family and Pastor. Anyways, on Sunday afternoon, I started to spike a fever and it continued to increase to almost 102. My wife was visiting with me and at some point in the evening I started to see things flying around in the room. They were flashes of light yellow and white colors that looked like stars/snowflakes and some like the Star of David. Ok, I didn't say anything to my wife or anyone because of the present condition I was in. Plus I was thinking, well I'm running a fever and I'm probably hallucinating from the fever and all of the drugs they had been giving me. Well, I couldn't fall asleep very well. At one of my regular vital checks, the nurse came in at about 12:30 am and asked me if everything was ok. She began to take my blood pressure and when all of a sudden she said "Whoa what was that?? I looked at her strangely and said "What??" She said, "I don't know what it was but something like a bright star just flew in front of my face". Well folks, you can imagine what was running through my mind. I didn't say a word to her; I laid there in bed with probably this most astonishing look on my face, looking throughout the room to see more of these anomalies. But, I didn't see any after she saw the one. I know that there are unbelievers out there, but I can tell you from the bottom of my heart that what I saw is what I saw and what she said is what she said. I tell you the truth. All I was thinking at the time is that God had sent his angels to watch over me and give me peace and it certainly did. With that, I had a peace of a never understanding. I was on a high. Well, Monday morning came, my fever had broke, my white blood cell count was going down, I was feeling wonderful and they left me go home. Folks, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a God and he came to me Sunday evening with his Angels. I will never forget this experience for as long as I shall live.
I thought about this before I went into the hospital and wondered if something like that was going to happen. I believe in out of body expierences and of course, these types of proceedures are ripe for a short trip {you hope} out of your body as you watch them delving into your chest cavity from above.

Nothing happened though and I don't remember anything other than a short period of time in post op. They also had to jump start me once after I went into a-fib :eek: ..............Don't remember that either......but my wife does :(

Don G
Darryl's heart said:
Well, I posted this little segment to my Post Surgery post and thought I'd just jot it down here also. Thanks Ross for the vote.

I must relay a very real encounter that happened to me in the Hospital Sunday evening. Some may call me crazy, but I call it angels from God that gave me peace. I've already relayed this story to my family and Pastor. Anyways, on Sunday afternoon, I started to spike a fever and it continued to increase to almost 102. My wife was visiting with me and at some point in the evening I started to see things flying around in the room. They were flashes of light yellow and white colors that looked like stars/snowflakes and some like the Star of David. Ok, I didn't say anything to my wife or anyone because of the present condition I was in. Plus I was thinking, well I'm running a fever and I'm probably hallucinating from the fever and all of the drugs they had been giving me. Well, I couldn't fall asleep very well. At one of my regular vital checks, the nurse came in at about 12:30 am and asked me if everything was ok. She began to take my blood pressure and when all of a sudden she said "Whoa what was that?? I looked at her strangely and said "What??" She said, "I don't know what it was but something like a bright star just flew in front of my face". Well folks, you can imagine what was running through my mind. I didn't say a word to her; I laid there in bed with probably this most astonishing look on my face, looking throughout the room to see more of these anomalies. But, I didn't see any after she saw the one. I know that there are unbelievers out there, but I can tell you from the bottom of my heart that what I saw is what I saw and what she said is what she said. I tell you the truth. All I was thinking at the time is that God had sent his angels to watch over me and give me peace and it certainly did. With that, I had a peace of a never understanding. I was on a high. Well, Monday morning came, my fever had broke, my white blood cell count was going down, I was feeling wonderful and they left me go home. Folks, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a God and he came to me Sunday evening with his Angels. I will never forget this experience for as long as I shall live.

Darryl, I totally believe that God would do this. I never had a "supernatural" manifestation such as this, but have seen the supernatural happen in my life. I believe that someday we'll be amazed to find out the ways angels were used by God to help us. Cool story.
The Final Frontier?

The Final Frontier?

An hour or so after I gave birth to my third child, the nurse woke me to use the facilities. (This is SOP). I got up with her help, went into the stall then dropped to the floor.

As I was passing out, I experienced what can only be described as the intro to the original Star Trek: a galaxy of stars or points of light growing faster and faster in velocity, then one big blur of blinding white light.

I woke to smelling salts and the nurse asking for my last will and testament. She said my lips had turned white.

I don't known if this qualifies as a valver "event," but it certainly haunts me to this day, and puts William Shatner in a whole new light:

Space . . . The final frontier.
These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise.
Its five year mission:
To explore strange new worlds . . .
To seek out new life and new civilizations . . .
To boldly go where no man has gone before!



I'm on vacation in Vermont and just finished Ian MacEwans new best seller Saturday about one hectic day in the life of a busy neurosurgeon. Its a good read and the author touches all the bases. However his short piece on how little we really know about how the brain works summed up the present state of our knowledge.I had a friend who was a neurology resident and switched to neuro- surgery. He said he wanted to cut down to where the soul resides. He never made it. MacEwan however thinks it is inevitable that one day we will know how the brain works.Can it all be chemical? I don't think so.
I find it hard to believe that in all the complexity of life forms on this planet, that there wouldn't be a higher power at work residing over all of it. I suppose an explaination as to whether chemical or not, is about as likely as proving there is a God. No one will really know until it's their time. I'm convinced that chemical, anesthesia, etc have nothing at all to do with it. I know what I experienced and even though roughly half say they experienced nothing at all, the rest of us did.
Ross said:
I find it hard to believe that in all the complexity of life forms on this planet, that there wouldn't be a higher power at work residing over all of it. I suppose an explaination as to whether chemical or not, is about as likely as proving there is a God. No one will really know until it's their time. I'm convinced that chemical, anesthesia, etc have nothing at all to do with it. I know what I experienced and even though roughly half say they experienced nothing at all, the rest of us did.

I thought I would point out some interesting books about this subject.


Some of you may have heard of Dannion Brinkley, he died twice from being electrocuted from lightning. He describes what happened to him, and since leads an all volunteer group to help hospices and people who are dying and confort them. There are a lot more resources out there as well if interested.
Thanks GH. I've been checking into quite a few. Just haven't committed to any of them at this point.

Don't tell Evil Angel I stole Chucky!!!!
Maybe there's a whole other dimension that exists beyond death. I often feel the presence of relatives that have died, then I just shrug it off, thinking I'm too weird.

But we really don't know and where does life go anyway?
All I know is I am going to be really "p'offed" if there is nothing after this life. To me there is way too much pain, variations in quality of life, and choices to be a "bad" person or a "good" person for it not to all be for a reason.

However, there are also many, many good things to love and appreciate.

I like to think that each of us goes through trials and/or has good fortune to learn something and to grow. If we pass our good luck and knowledge along to others, it puts us on a path to everlasting peace. If we don't, well ...............?????????

I have felt the presence of "other wordly beings". Whether they are from the afterlife or some other place, I won't know until I die. But, like I said, it's going to be really disappointing if there's nothing there. But, then again, I guess I won't know if there isn't. I keep asking God to clue me in but, so far, I haven't had a personal visit. But, I am sure she has better things to do :eek: :eek:

Drives me crazy sometimes thinking about it. Keeps me in line, tho.
For two nights in a row after I woke up from the surgery, I saw this woman dressed in traditional Shinto priestess dress praying frantically in the middle of the ICU. At one point, she was praying right next to my pillow. This was very surprising since I thought I was not religious at all (Shinto or otherwise), and made me think a lot about why this was the first thing that I saw. My visions became much more secular as the days progressed. After about a week, my last one was about this ninja clan practicing their skills in the ICU. The whole ICU was transformed to a movie set-like medieval Japanese street corner. My night nurse was a ninja, and even the portable X-ray technician was a ninja who didn?t forget to pay homage to the ?boss ninja? before he left the ICU. This vision started around midnight and went on until the sun came out, and I didn?t sleep because I wanted to see what was going on. I kept thinking, oh, it is so nice for the hospital to lend the ICU for the ninjas overnight so they can practice their trade? When I failed to convince my family that there were in fact ninjas in the ICU the night before, I realized that they weren?t real. Then the visions stopped.
geebee said:
All I know is I am going to be really "p'offed" if there is nothing after this life. To me there is way too much pain, variations in quality of life, and choices to be a "bad" person or a "good" person for it not to all be for a reason.

However, there are also many, many good things to love and appreciate.

I like to think that each of us goes through trials and/or has good fortune to learn something and to grow. If we pass our good luck and knowledge along to others, it puts us on a path to everlasting peace. If we don't, well ...............?????????

I have felt the presence of "other wordly beings". Whether they are from the afterlife or some other place, I won't know until I die. But, like I said, it's going to be really disappointing if there's nothing there. But, then again, I guess I won't know if there isn't. I keep asking God to clue me in but, so far, I haven't had a personal visit. But, I am sure she has better things to do :eek: :eek:

Drives me crazy sometimes thinking about it. Keeps me in line, tho.

In my happenings, I can't say that I went to a bright light and felt peace and love or even that I saw Jesus or God. Mine was more entering a timeless zone where different things occured for what seemed like forever. Very unsettling. Not sure what to make of all of it. I am sure there is something more afterwards, but not sure what exactly that something is.
Hi Ross, well, although I myself have not had a nde, a good friend of mine did. It was so vivid for him, that he is absolutely unafraid of dying at any time. It changed his whole perception of life and the universe. He had a "traditional" Kubler-Ross type of experience with a tunnel and light at the end and an absolute certainty that he was not going to die at that time, but that it would be OK when his time came.

He had been working under a trailer and it fell on him doing a great deal of damage to his liver and other organs. He is OK now, however.

So, it is an interesting topic, and interesting how many people have these experiences, most of whom don't want to talk about them because they do think others will think they are "crazy"

Best to everyone.
Nancy said:
Maybe there's a whole other dimension that exists beyond death. I often feel the presence of relatives that have died, then I just shrug it off, thinking I'm too weird.

But we really don't know and where does life go anyway?

HI Nancy,

Myself I am a paranormal researcher for several years now.

I cannot prove anything beyond a shadow of a doubt, I have no real hard scientific evidence that would be accepted. But I can tell you doing this hobby has changed my views on life and death in general.
Nan said:
So, it is an interesting topic, and interesting how many people have these experiences, most of whom don't want to talk about them because they do think others will think they are "crazy"

Why for you think it took me so long to post this poll and question? I've been carrying it around for 10 years, constantly eating at my soul. I figure it's time to lay it out and ask others. ;)
Ross said:
I find it hard to believe that in all the complexity of life forms on this planet, that there wouldn't be a higher power at work residing over all of it. I suppose an explaination as to whether chemical or not, is about as likely as proving there is a God. No one will really know until it's their time. I'm convinced that chemical, anesthesia, etc have nothing at all to do with it. I know what I experienced and even though roughly half say they experienced nothing at all, the rest of us did.

Years ago I heard a minister pose this challenge that I often refer to when discussing the "is there a God" question. He said:
Take off the back of your TV set and look at the inside. Look at the wires, the tubes, the circuits. Think of how it receives appropriate signals that then display real-time action. Then ask yourself "Can I believe that this TV could have been created in a random explosion in an electronics factory?"

While I didn't have an NDE, I've had many experiences that have shown me that there is more than just this life, this time. Like Nancy, I often feel the presence of my parents with me - and not always at times I'm already thinking of them.

My daughter called one day to tell me that she had lost my Mom's rings that my Father had given her after my Mother's death and shortly before his death. She had looked everywhere. She had turned her dorm room inside out, thought over every possible scenario of where she could have put them. She was very close to my Dad and was horribly upset at the thought of losing such a prescious gift. After almost 2 days, she gave up and called me, one more time, in tears to say she didn't think she'd ever find them. Someone must have stolen them she thought, possibly while she was in the shower in her bathroom. I was driving home from work at the time and just thought "Dad, please help Shelby find these rings. She's feels she's disappointed you." She called about 15 minutes later and said "Mom, I pulled out my dresser and pulled off the baseboard because I saw a small crack at the top. My rings were there!"

Some would say that was just nothing more than a huge coincidence. I don't believe that for a second.

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