Have you ever had Endocarditis?

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Go to this web site for great info: www.mayoclinic.com
That is a great website. I will pass this info on to a friend that has been diagonosed with it. We were comparing war stories about our heart problems and she mentioned that she had had endocarditis. Sounded scary. Thanks for the info.:)
Endocarditis and pericarditis refer to inflammation, from any source, affecting the lining inside the heart chambers (endo) or the sac containing the heart (peri). These are quite common following insult to the heart, such as a heart attack or heart surgery.

It is often difficult even for your doctor to determine whether it is bacterial, viral, or noninfectious. In any case, you want to reduce the symptoms quickly, to avoid further irritation or edema or anything that will impair healing (usually an NSAID like ibuprofen is used, in large doses at first. If it is infectious, your doctor will probably prescribe meds for the infection.

These infections are often characterized by a stabbing pain, felt in the chest or neck, or in your left shoulder. Probably it is lucky that the pains are sharp and severe, as this is not a condition one would wish to ignore!
My symptoms were low-grade fever, no energy and the worst headache I have ever had. I had no chest pains whatsoever.
What were your symptoms?
Oh MY!
When I read your post , my heart began to race: that question,for me,is
the biggest understatement. I have had it several times(mostly relapses).
I originally got it from a dental procedure, and then I was misdiagnosed
twice.Boy have I had it!
Her are some symptoms:Fever-intermittent, Anorexia(loss of appetite),
night sweats,weight loss, poor wound healing with
drainage(late symptom)Weakness and general
malaise,some have cardiac symptoms like palpitations
or pain,hemorrhogic lesions on fingernails, Shotness
Breath and sometimes pneumonia occurs as a result
of the endocarditis.

It can be diagnosed easy with a culture or a echo .
My best wishes; PM me if you have any questions-Dina
Initially vomiting then feeling like hell on earth for about ten days with absolutely no appetite, eating was a case of forcing food down despite the nausea - I lost twelve pounds in weight in those ten days. I was cold, I couldn't get warm no matter what, I also had rigors which is uncontrollable shaking. I was tired, no energy, just want to lay down all the time. As a person with diet controlled diabetes I record my BM each day and it was sky high, out of control.

After that initial illness I just felt 'not well' but not ill enough to visit a doctor nor take time off work. Then another night of vomiting which was the night I had my stroke when some of the vegetation broke off. Then a few days later another rigor and then I was diagnosed. The heart murmurs didn't start for another week or so. Then it was down hill all the way until they replaced my two damaged valves.
What were your symptoms?


My husband's symptoms with bacterial endoarditis 2005;

Roaming muscle pains-moderately painful, little stabs in the calves, thighs and arms;

Increasing fatigue over an 8 week period;

Night sweats-soaking the sheets followed by vigorous shaking;

Vision took on a red hue-this became apparent after 6 hours of Gentamyacin was hung in his IV after diagnosis. His vision cleared and he had not realized that had been so affected.

He was seen in the ER X 2 and clinic X1 and was misdiagnosed. Doctors always ordering a CBC panal (white blood count/red blood count) vs serum blood cultures.

Elevated Liver enzymes;

A symptom which is common which he didn't have was white splintering in the fingernail bed.