I just wanted to thank everyone for your participation in my little poll.
I just wanted to thank everyone for your participation in my little poll.
I was the first one to vote and I voted in the wrong place!! I?ve been waaaaay above timberline lots of times and never got sick at all. Of course I was born and raised here at 6200 feet and have spent a lot of time in the mountains that are much higher.
I?m really impressed that only one person reported getting altitude sickness. I?ve never heard of anyone getting altitude sickness coming here. We have primum deer and elk hunting here in the mountains around Cortez. People come here from all over the US to go hunting... especially Texans. And this is a ?tourist? area... we get a lot of people from all over the world coming to visit Mesa Verde National Park, etc... and I?ve just never heard a word about altitude sickness. I also have lots of relatives who come from the San Diego, CA area... never a problem. So I was a little surprised when a couple people mentioned it to me.
Hey, RAM... you know people come here from all over just to bottle the run off water in the water falls on Wolf Creek Pass(continental divide). They claim it has some super healing powers.
I'll bring a bottle of it to you at the reunion next year.
Thanks again.
I just wanted to thank everyone for your participation in my little poll.
I was the first one to vote and I voted in the wrong place!! I?ve been waaaaay above timberline lots of times and never got sick at all. Of course I was born and raised here at 6200 feet and have spent a lot of time in the mountains that are much higher.
I?m really impressed that only one person reported getting altitude sickness. I?ve never heard of anyone getting altitude sickness coming here. We have primum deer and elk hunting here in the mountains around Cortez. People come here from all over the US to go hunting... especially Texans. And this is a ?tourist? area... we get a lot of people from all over the world coming to visit Mesa Verde National Park, etc... and I?ve just never heard a word about altitude sickness. I also have lots of relatives who come from the San Diego, CA area... never a problem. So I was a little surprised when a couple people mentioned it to me.
Hey, RAM... you know people come here from all over just to bottle the run off water in the water falls on Wolf Creek Pass(continental divide). They claim it has some super healing powers.
Thanks again.