Congrats to you and your valve. Hope your nerve problem clears up soon... is truly is a PITA Hope everything else is going well for you... I know you had a rough time for a while.
Debby, that cortisone is terrific. Years back I had such pain in one wrist I could hardly use it. Also went to an orthopedic doc, spent hours on papers and in about 5 minutes he said, let's try some cortisone and if that doesn't work, come back. Have never had to see him again.Congratulations, Praline!
I'm sorry about your computer--hope it gets better soon.
Just thought I'd mention--I had the same pain in August. I couldn't sit without a lot of pain and was facing a cross-country flight. Was sent to an orthopedic specialist who diagnosed bursitis of the hip. One cortisone shot and I've been pain-free ever since. Even though I spent 30 minutes in the office filling out forms, including marking on 2 different diagrams where the pain was, then a nurse interview before seeing the DR, when I saw him he was going to start the diagnostic route--xray, MRI, who knows what. I just started all over, described the pain, where it hurt, when it hurt. He said "hmmmm..', poked at my hip joint some, and said he thought it might be bursitis. I think it was the calf pain that tipped him off.
Sorry this was so long, but I really hope yours could be the same easily fixed condition!