Happy Birthday

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Happy Happy Birthday

They really mean more now, I bet.

Each day sure does.

Best Wishes.
Thank you for the Birthday wishes!

Happy birthday to you too Gladys.

My recovery is going well now, a few weeks ago i had Afib and other problems ended up back in the hospital and was not very happy but now everything is real good. Last week my EKG was perfect, not even an arithmia. My Cardio lowered my Amioderone dose from 600 to 400 mg and im still ok on the lower dose so far. In less than a month i go back and if all is still good he will lower it to 200mg and take me off Cumadin.

Its amazing how things went from bad to good at some point. I even am looking forward to going back to work - when you feel good it gets boring around the house!

One last thing - i sneezed toady, that was always the worst pain i felt after the surgury, but today i barely felt it. I know now i am really getting healed.

Thanks to everyone for your support and help on the problems and concerns i had. This forum was invaluable to me.

I can't keep up with the birthdays around here.

Happy Birthday to the both of you and may you have many more.
Happy Happy Birthday!!! I can relate to the sneezing pain. I had my first pain a couple weeks after surgery and boy what a wake up call that was. I thought my pain was better until that sneeze!!!!OUCH!!!! Since then the sneezing pain has gotten better. I still stop and hold my chest, but I think that is just an automatic response. It's not anywhere near as bad as it was. Well, again, have a great birthday!

Take Care!
Happy Happy Birthday

Happy Happy Birthday


Have a good one!!