Well-known member
Not really too sure how I'm feeling at the moment. I just had THE PHONE CALL from my surgeon's office to let me know they had a date for my PVR.... 10th Dec - my birthday!!!
The poor lady on the other end of the phone really didn't know what to say when I told her that, so I assured her that I couldn't get a better birthday pressie... and I'm sure it would help me score really, really well in the pressie department this year! (although my BF thought since I'd be completely out of it, he wouldn't have to worry about it... let's just say I set him straight about that one pretty bloody quickly!!!
Meanwhile, I'm thinking the surgeon deliberately picked that date as "revenge" for me making so many calls and harrassing him into it..! Too bad I think I'm overjoyed by it all (it's still sinking in that it's happening "for real", so I have no doubt I'll be vacillating between pure joy and pure terror many times before the day is done).
So PHEW! Big sigh of relief that finally there might be an end in sight - although it's seriously thrown our Chrissy plans out of whack
A : )