Happy Birthday Susieq14 and Joy

Valve Replacement Forums

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Wishing you both the bestest of days and a

Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday dear Susie
Happy Birthday to You
and many more

Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday dear Joy
Happy Birthday to You
and many more
Thank you all so much for the well wishes!



It is always fun to meet someone who has the same birthday as you. There is a young woman in our office who also shares my day - but not the year! I've celebrated way more times than she has - she's only 33 and I'm 57.:D

And today I'm feeling every one of those 57 years:eek: We had a bad snow storm yesterday that caught everyone in a horrible commute and my usual 20 mile ride home that takes about 45- 55 minutes depending on traffic took me 3 hours and 40 minutes. And to make matters worse I got caught in a little fender-bender. The woman behind me hit me and then I hit the woman in front of me. Fortunately no one got hurt and it didn't seem that we had any major damage to the cars so it could have been a lot worse so I'm counting my blessings. I was only 3 miles from home and totally wiped out when I arrived home. Ahhhh winter in New England - so pretty just like a Currier and Ives print!!!!:rolleyes:

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