Happy Birthday Robthatsme

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Hi Y'all,

Thank you so much for the B-day posts. They brightened up my day!

I still say.. "The mind never gets old.. the body just disintegrates around it!"

It's been a crazy day here, my computer crashed, and I've worked on it all day, finally have it back up and running. Good thing too... I need to leave for Germany in the morning. I am taking my wife on this trip, well for 10 days of it anyway. I still have to work during the week, but all and all, I think I have a good trip planned for her. Both of us have been taking a crash course in German.. I am sure we will have a few good moments trying to speak the language when we are over there.

Hope everyone is doing well,

Hope your day was a happy one, Rob.

Can't wait for the next batch of pictures.... Hope you both have a wonderful time across the pond and in the mountains.
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Hey Robthatsyou!!!!

Happy Birthday! Hope it was a good one! :D

I'm surprised Janie didn't post that 'Fabio' pic in honor of your birthday!! :p

Love viewing the pictures of your travels. :) Hope life is treating you well.

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