Happy Birthday Rain!

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Happy birthday!

just thought i'd let you know that every time I see your post I think of River Phoenix the young actor. I always thought that was a strange first name, but it had such a fluid sound to it that it sounded COOL. RAIN--your handle? or name? anyway you cool,gal.
again happy birthday..:cool: :cool:
Belated Birthday wishes

Belated Birthday wishes


Mary and I were out of town for a few days and I didn't check the board at all until we returned last night. Anyway, we just wanted to add our best wishes for a great year ahead and we hope you had a nice birthday.

Take care --- Ron K
Hi Rain - I just wanted to join the bandwagon and say Happy Birthday to one of my favorite people.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Thank you, everyone for the birthday wishes!! You?ll never know how much you all mean to me. It kinda makes me feel guilty for not getting here to the site more often. My life has just been very busy. I think things will be a little calmer after the holidays are over.

Hey Bonnie... the package from Ross was absolutely perfect..... is was packed plumb full of love and happiness. :p Thank you, Ross.

Hey Mr. RAM! You have a pretty funky name too! :) Where?d that name come from?

I?ve been called Rain for as long as I can remember.... when I was a little kid, the kids had a hard time pronouncing my name (Lorraine) for some reason it always came out ?wain? or o?rain, or some such thing. lol ... as we all grew up the name came with me. My close friends have called me ?Rain?.

Love you all,

That was a good story. even small things, like a nicknames, can make interesting storys.
another nice thought about your nickname is from the song by rod stewart," who else is going to bring you a broken arrow, who else is going to bring you a bottle of rain?' The broken arrow is---NO MORE BATTLES the bottle of rain is---NEW BEGINNINGS. nice huh?
My handle, RAM, started at my job. in the dept. that I worked in I had to run tests on systems and sign my initials for the results. there already was an RM there, so I had to use my middle initial.
I was known as the RAM from that time on.



I've been unable to post for the past few days - tried hard to get a 'Happy Birthday' message across to you Rain, but it just wouldn't move from here.

Then I saw others were having problems too and so I re-loaded IE6 and now....fingers crossed it might just do it.

If it does....A Big Irish belated Happy Birthday Rain - I drank a toast on the day and I'll do it again tonight just to be sure - lol
Hey Bonnie....

Hey Bonnie....

How about ?Rotten Aortic Murmur? or.... ?Reasonable At Moments?? lol Okay then... how about ?Really Awesome Man??? :)

By the way Mr. RAM.... I love Rod Stewart and I even have a CD with that song on it. I like ?rain? songs... but I haven?t found too many of them. Well.... There are a few I don?t like.. like when I was a kid my big brothers and sisters would sing ?rain, rain go away, come again some other day? Grrrrrr.... lol

And thank you, my most wonderful Billy... you?re coming in loud and clear. :p I knew you couldn?t forget me on my birthday. :p


Rain drops keep falling

Rain drops keep falling

On my head...la la la O.K. Mr. Ram ..where are you? We want to know your full name.;) ;) ;) Bonnie

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