I love you guys!!
I love you guys!!
Dave....you sneaky little devil, how did you remember it was my birthday?
Ross, I guess you can?t be a part of this family for nearly eight years and not expect them to know what you?re up to, even when you slip away for a while.

I don?t remember when I took off my birthday. I go through times of worrying about having too much info on the internet...

I?m sure it was during one of those times.
The big day was actually the 9th.

My life has been busy, busy and I haven?t been to vr.com as much lately.... and by golly, I?ve really missed you all!
It continues to amaze me how we have bonded. I even miss the people who love to fight with me about rat poison.

Speaking of rat poison.... you?ll never believe what happened to me last week.
I tested at 3.6 last week, my (new) cardio?s nurse wanted me to skip a dose and cut back 1 mg from my 26.5 weekly dose.

Even after my explaining to her that I had been managing my INR for seven years, and knew for a fact this would put me on the ?INR roller coaster from hell? she continued to insist that I ?do it her way?.
When she realized I was not going to do what she wanted me to, she said, ?If you don?t follow my orders, I cannot renew your prescription.? You know.... she?s probably right.
BUT....... we are still in America..... and she doesn?t NOT have the authority to run my life. Warfarin does,

and that ties me to someone who can write a prescription, but it doesn?t have to be her ....and I told her so. And I will tell the new cardio what happened.... if for no other reason... I am very interested in what he thinks of a 3.6 INR..... 'cause it's darn near PERFECT in my book!
My cardio of almost 9 years moved..... I knew he was great, but I didn?t know how great until I lost him.
I sincerely thank you all for the happy birthday wishes!!
OH! By the way..... I made NO changes... except maybe an extra salad and ate a little more regularly.... and tested at 3.22 yesterday!! She called back yesterday and left a message on my answering machine asking what changes I'd made to my dosage. I reckon I better call her back.... even though I really don't feel like it.