Happy Birthday Ben

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Thank you to each of you for taking the time to send me well wishes!!!!

My appologies for not responding sooner; I have had a very rough few weeks....HELL the last year has been real interesting!!

Was robbed Saturday morning and spent the weekend & most of my birthday dealing with insurance and repairs.....with everything at work and this on top of it....I was not the happy birthday boy I should have been. I left work early and came home and took out the axe and proceeded to split wood (you know the hard ones to do with all of the knots in the wood)....it worked and I was back to being me by the time my kids came over for my girlfriend and I to cook them a nice (summer) meal of steak and all the fixins on the grill....in weather that was in the teens...........

Again thanks for all the well wishes...sorry to unload a bit; but sometimes even the big guy has to vent a bit!!!!!!


Well now, that sucks (Except the part about cooking out. We do that all the time) but hey, you weren't harmed other then emotionally and that's a plus.

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