Guy Fawkes Day/November 5

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To our British and other UK friends.

Light your bonfires and set off the fireworks.

Say a prayer for the poor misguided and betrayed Guy Fawkes and his friends.
perhaps he had the right idea!

perhaps he had the right idea!

Hi Bill,

thanks for your good wishes. Our village was like an explosion in a fireworks factory last night, despite the weather being wet and miserable. I went for a run and had to avoid all the rockets as they returned to earth with a bang LOL.

As for good old Guy Fawkes, maybe he had a point. Our politicians still spend more time bickering and scoring party political points off each other, so there are days when it's hard not to have some sympathy with the old rogue!

Of course, your politicians aren't like that, are they!!!!!

Best regards,

Oh, sure

Only the highest ideals drive our politicians!!!!

Just like the emperor's new clothes were the finest in the land.
Thanks Bill.......

Thanks Bill.......

Thanks Bill for your good wishes.

This year Northern Ireland (part of UK) banned the sale of fireworks unless we all bought a £30 licence. Seems strange in a country where we've had a lotta loud bangs over the last 30 years.

I'm told that only 12 licences were sold, but we still had a lot of action in the sky over the past week.