Cheers Ross. I do take your original comments on board. But like the others I'm not wanting to be 'convinced of the right path'. Just what is right for me.
Ross, do you ever feel like you're banging your head against a wall? I have been through a brain bleed, but I don't blame it on coumadin, it was the staph infection that wanted to kill me. My docs have never presented me with a horrible coumadin scenario. I am getting up there in age, but my docs aren't worried about my long term use. I test weekly, and my INR is almost always in range. I didn't choose a tissue for my 2nd valve, and was worried that I would have to have one for my 3rd surgery. I didn't want to have a 4th in about 10yrs. I look better than I have in years and my heart feels better, too. I got a 25mm mech valve this time around and it is a keeper. But, how can one believe that the risk for a 3rd surgery is the same as for the 1st? I heard it was around 25 % for the 3rd. Where is this 2% coming from, the Cleveland Clinic?
Cheers Ross. I do take your original comments on board. But like the others I'm not wanting to be 'convinced of the right path'. Just what is right for me.
Thanks Andy - very helpful again.
right guys, think we need to have a beer ok, all come round to my house ,pizza and beer ok, and ross i will show you my french collection lol
He blew his Ross out almost immediately.
Yep, my surgeon knows his surgeon and told me the story about how the Govenator blew his Ross out almost immediately. He said he almost didn't make it back to the hospital in time due to rush hour traffic in LA.
I removed my post because I cannot find anything on that second surgery, but I sure remember it happening.
It did happen he knew much more than his doctors so didnt listen to them about restrictions post op and blew out his Ross (I think the aortic valve) but the weird thing is, after it happend all mention of it just disapeared
Publicists in LA hide all kinds of stuff...
None of us can look into the future. I still believe it is a personal choice to make with your physicians. There are quiet a few on this forum, both with TISSUE and MECHANICLE valves that have had more than one surgery. We can not second guess our decision, just be happy with our choice and live our lives. I have know people (several) that have had heart surgery and they die from something completely unrelated. I do believe that people on this forum that have strong opinions one way or the other, have very good intentions. Also they are trying to relate THEIR PERSONEL experience. I personally feel fortunate to have found this support group.