Gross Hematuria - blood in urine

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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2013
Philadelphia, PA
I'll make this as simple and to the point as possible.

48 yrs, male, non-smoker, casual drinker, obese.
AVR on 05/14/2024, St Judes - 5mg warfarin daily.

Tues 09/24 - noticed pinkish urine around 9pm, no pain.

Wed 09/25 - urine burgundy each time, all day, no pain. Peeing one or two clots per urine.

Thu 09/26 - went to ER, urine still burgundy, no pain. Peeing one or two clots per urine. Labs all in range. CBC, kidney values, electrolytes, INR. Also, ultrasound of bladder and kidneys were normal. Bladder has debris from blood products passing thru. Urinalysis was abnormal: blood 3+, protein 2+, leukocytes 1+ For some reason they did not culture it.
Gave me a K1 drip to stop the urinary bleeding.
No CT scan done. Sent home.

Fri 09/27 - woke up and burgundy went back to pink, probably from K1. Peeing clots still.
At 8am had a terrible pain from right abdomen around right flank to right back. This roughly lasted 3 hours. Would have went back to ER but pain made it where I could not sit still. Had to move. Had to pace. Had to walk. Could never sit still in the ER for hours on end. Walked the entire neighborhood 20 times that morning.
This same scenario happened again at 3pm on that same afternoon. Awful pain that one describes as an "attack" of some sort. Way worse than my two OHS. I'm good with pain and discomfort These attacks were PAINFUL. But the ultrasound the day before showed no stones anywhere.

Sat 09/28 - urine color back to normal. No more peeing clots. No more "attacks". But now........

From 09/28 until today (2 weeks) I developed constant discomfort in my upper abdomen and an upper back ache, with crazy amounts of fatigue, and breathlessness. The discomfort isn't in the "pain" range, but it's constant and it makes me feel sick a few hours per day. Sick, as in weak lethargic and not motivated. No fever but feeling feverish.

My cardiologist thinks it is not cardiac related, when I spoke to him. He is pointing to those attacks being stone related that may have not shown up on the ultrasound.

My general CT scan on 05/14/2024 before my surgery showed everything normal except an enlarged prostate and a simple cyst on a kidney. Could something have changed/occured differently in these 4-5 months ?

I see my urologist and family doctor this coming week.

Are my problems stemming from all one issue , or multiple issues ?

Is gross hematuria, peeing clots, upper abdomen and upper back discomfort even part of the same system or same plumbing ? I'm so confused and so lost. It's like your foot, your elbow, and your ear all hurting at the same time.

I know you aren't doctors and I never would take anything as medical advice, but sometimes this message board is good to vent and see if certain things are relatable to one other. Thank you.
Thu 09/26 - went to ER, ... INR. ...Gave me a K1 drip to stop the urinary bleeding.
- What was your INR before and after the K1 drip?
- What have your INRs been since then? How often are you checking your INR?

I see my urologist and family doctor this coming week.
Good! Drive this to closure. If your urologist and family doctor don't find the cause of your problems, then they should refer you to some other doctor for additional evaluation. Don't let them dismiss you without a plan for further action!

From 09/28 until today (2 weeks) I developed constant discomfort in my upper abdomen and an upper back ache, with crazy amounts of fatigue
This reminds me of my health before the doctors found my blood infection.

I'll pray for you!
- What was your INR before and after the K1 drip?
- What have your INRs been since then? How often are you checking your INR?
The day of the ER, a few hours before the K1 it was 2.6

Cardiologist thinks I have a problem whether it be infection, stones, cancer, etc. He states my warfarin probably made the burgundy urine more burgundy to the sight.

I haven't tested it since then, but I will this coming week.

I do not have a home test kit, so I will go get it drawn.

Thank you
I know you aren't doctors and I never would take anything as medical advice, but sometimes this message board is good to vent and see if certain things are relatable to one other. Thank you.
my god ... a voice of rationality

I can't offer any advice on your questions, but thanks for posting this bit.

I see my urologist and family doctor this coming week.

I look forward to hearing that report

Best Wishes
I have had several urinary tract problems. Warfarin can give you more blood in the urine than w/o warfarin, but there’s always an underlying cause, thus my urologist told me to see him anytime there’s blood in my urine. Last time there was no cause discovered and it just stopped.