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I don't have an email for a specific billing department, but if you send an email to Phillip or myself, I will make sure it get's to the correct parties. If it is an insurance issue, I would like to get it to our insurance supervisor. If it is a general billing question, I can have customer service supervisors find the answers. Let me know what your issue is, and I will have it handled promptly. Thanks,

Lance, QAS
Evelyn's Opinion

Evelyn's Opinion

Evelyn - Thank you for your opinion. I want you to know that you can voice your concerns any time you like. As can everyone else. Not only with this QAS topic, but with any topic related to heart valve replacement.

Hence the term "forum"..
Thank you, too, Hank, for allowing us to voice our concerns, even if they're negative against the sponsor. I'm sorry that it didn't work out with QAS and us, either. As it stands right now, Iris is filing against MY insurance and our "balance" is now $85ish before filing. Who knows what it will be after.

If only they could have filed when they should have, not let it wait 2 years to complete, or sent us a bill so Tyce could get on his insurance, or just let us know what the deal was we wouldn't have been so turned off by them.

Thank you for the offer to help if anyone has a problem; but, Hank, that's NOT YOUR job to intervene. It IS QAS'S job to run a business properly.


PS...And anyone who knows me knows how I feel about everything.....I don't hold you've probably guessed by now!!!
This is incredibly bad business for QAS, not just because it caused Evelyn so much grief, but because QAS is losing money by not doing things in a timely fashion.

Joe gets statements from his insurance company, and you wouldn't believe how many claims are filed WAY beyond the acceptable time frame.

It is something that we all have to be aware of, since the insurance companies are loathe to pay for things that aren't filed correctly.

Why should it be left for the patient to try to straighten out when it is the fault of the supplier?

Come on QAS, get your house in order.
Hi Nancy

My sentiments, exactly!!! I wasn't going to say any more on this subject, BUT today in the mail we received a letter from QAS saying we have an "open balance" that is in excess of "30 days past due." NAAAA, try in excess of 2 and 1 year past due because we never received a bill.....How ironic that NOW we get the letter, after Tyce has been on the phone with Iris, contacted Janet, et. al., and are finally getting everything worked out because they haven't filed on our secondary policy.

OK Lance, what's the reasoning for this???? Do you think your accounts receivable department needs some help???? I sure do.

Well, my husband was a manager for a large corporation, and they were instructed to go around and report all the "mummies" that they found hiding behind their desks, and get rid of them. Sounds like this might be something the QAS would like to do.

Jack Welch wasn't all wrong!!! He made a LOT of money for GE.
Hi Evelyn-

I only glanced quickly through this thread, and I didn't get a chance to read all replies yet. Have you ever worked with Becky from QAS for this situation? We had a hard time initially getting our test strips covered, and over the winter, we had paid with credit card for 3 boxes of strips, and we had issues with paperwork, RX numbers, pharmacy numbers, and the paperwork wound up just going back and forth from QAS to our insurance carrier. No one under Nathan's plan has ever home monitored their INR before, so no one knew how to classify it as medical product or RX product. We eventually got Becky to take care of his account, and she was an fantastic. She would conference call our insurance company and nail down exactly what needed to be done, and took care of it. We are hoping we helped pave the way for future home INR monitors that may come up in Nathan's insurance. Good luck! Ann
Hi Natanni

Thanks for the info. We haven't had any problem getting supplies because we have two insurances. Our problem occurred when I went to order new supplies and was told that they would have to have the $$ up front because we owed them from both two years and one year ago. We knew nothing about this because we never received ANY notification from QAS's Accounts Receivable department. If we had, we would have gotten right on our insurance and tried to find the problem.

Apparently QAS never filed against our secondary insurance, thus the original $368 balance that was said we owed them. Since talking with MANY people, we have found Iris who, I think, couldn't understand why they hadn't filed either.....when they have ALL the information they've needed sitting in our file. She has since filed against my insurance company and refiled against Tyce's insurance company because his company said we had a $700 deductible, which isn't's $300.

Soooo, we're in a wait and hold pattern. Iris said don't worry about it for a month or two because they have since received more $$$ from Tyce's insurance company and are now filing against mine. I'm sure they'll get all their money, it's just that their accounts receivable department should have notified us loooonnnggg before this.

The best part is that Saturday in the mail we received.....for the very first time.....a letter from QAS that we had a balance due in excess of 30 days....DUH!!!! Tyce was on the phone with them this morning and told them the whole story, gave them Iris's extension, etc., and they said.....(are you ready for this one??) "Don't worry about it. Disregard the letter." I only wish they had sent the letter two years ago or even one year certainly would have saved alot of bad feelings and anger. Somehow, I know one hand doesn't have a clue what the other is doing.


I agree with Hank.

QAS is good people trying to work with many insurance companies who all have varying requirements. I have ONE insurance company and they tend to drop the ball when they aren't making the concerted effert to lie to me in order to avoid paying for something. I can imagine how much more QAS has to tolerate from them.

If I was dealing with my insurance company without assistance I'd need my meds increased.

By the way... For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of talking with Lance or having him as your advocate, please take advantage of his services. That's why he's involved here.

I am sure that QAS does good work with the majority of the people they have for customers or they would not still be in business. However, that is little comfort to those of us who have had bad experiences as our issues are real. I have decided to move on as, obviously, have a few others. I wish the best for those who have had good results. I hope it continues and you don't have the headaches I have had.
Hi Jerry

While you are certainly right about insurance companies, the very very bottom line is IT'S THEIR JOB TO FILE!!! It's not OUR job to call a company and ask them whether they've been paid or not, especially two years later.
IT'S THEIR JOB to do the recordkeeping in an expeditious manner AND to notify customers if there's a problem.....NOT to say, "Well, we won't ship your medical supplies because you haven't paid a balance FROM TWO YEARS AGO!!!"

Sorry, but that's just not good business!!!

I love Hank, too, but it's not his job either, to intervene on anyone's behalf.....gracious as he is to offer.


Every company makes a mistake or two.

Every company makes a mistake or two.

But not every company is under the microscope like QAS. You have to be impressed that they are not afraid to be here and take the heat from anyone and everyone who wants to throw it out there for the public to see. And not just any public.... their customers and potential customers!! :eek:

I wonder how the other companies would hold up under the same scrntiny.
No company out there would hold up to scrutiny and pass without problems. However, that is really no reason to ignore the issues. If issues are never brought up, they cannot be fixed.
It is always a good thing for a company to hear what is going on with their customers. If they merely hear it from the bottom up, the real issues never come to light and the major problems never get corrected until one day, they are wondering where all their customers went, and why they lost them.

Upper management has to pay attention to things like this. This can ruin a good company.

There is a saying in sales. When a customer has problems and is dissatisfied, they tell at least 10 people. When they are happy they rarely tell anyone. So unhappy customers give a company 10 times the negative publicity and the company will never know, since it will be word of mouth.

Oh, by the way, note how many views this thread has. It's a lot, lot, lot. So there are many watching it.
Just thought I'd let everyone who followed this thread know the latest information. I just got off the phone with Lance and told him that I would post and let you all know that we are finally back on track with QAS; and the reason is a wonderful angel named Iris Stude who was absolutely WONDERFUL in tracking down, refiling, refiling again, and keeping us posted on all the events as they transpired with our problem regarding our account and shipping of supplies.

I'm sure she worked many hours to make everything right, and as I told Lance, she certainly deserves a huge raise or bonus or even some time off!!! How it ever got so out of control for such a long period of time is beyond me, but Iris certainly got everything straightened out in record time. She will definitely be in my speed dial from now on.

I did promise Lance I would let everyone on this list know, because that is the fair and right thing to do. I hope Iris likes the flowers I sent her, because she truly went WAAAAY above and beyone the call.

A much happier Evelyn!!!
Very nice, Evelyn...

I agree that it's good to reward such service. I'm sure that Iris will be very pleased with your gesture.

Glad that everything is all straightened out.

Just a postscript, Evelyn...

I've taken your Angel as my own advocate in dealing with my insurance company. They sent me a rejection letter over the weekend. Great timing.

Glad things got worked out. My experience with QAS is that they are a company that cares about customer service. Every company will have problems (particularly when having to deal with insurance), but it's those that strive to correct them that are the ones worth using.

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