Remember when you took your car in for one repair, and they tell you, oh, by the way, this is broken and that doesn't work, etc., etc?
So I wait all day today, Friday for the heart catheterization, they prep me, take me down to the cath lab and....STOP. Because the brain MRI yesterday showed that I have suffered multiple minor strokes (!!!!) to be safe we need take a closer look at your heart valves to make sure there's nothing that can dislodge during the cath and cause a serious stroke. So they order a TEE... ugh they ask me questions about my problem until the question about swallowing...any problems? Well, I've had swallowing problems for years caused by who knows what, maybe my dilated ascending aorta? Anyway, that put everything on hold. No TEE, No cath...instead I had to go down to radiology and swallow a half gallon of barium while they x-rayed my esophagus! The other tests are on hold until Monday, MONDAY! So I' m stuck here all weekend with the prospect of the nasty TEE to look forward to before I can even get to the cath. Who knows when I'll ever get outta here!
Thanks friends for reading all this and for your support.
I'm starting day 4 now in the CICU...the absolute earliest I can see getting out is next Tuesday and that is only if nothing else goes wrong. Who knows what meds I'll have to go on but Coumadin looks for sure.
well, I had a good run...I turn 66 in January previously on nothing but a daily aspirin. Those days are gone.
Best to all,