Gotta go again

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2011
Lakewood , Washington
pee that is.
Seems since surgery I have to urinate more then before the operation.
I'm up at minimum 4 times during the night to go to the bathroom and steady all day long. Before surgery, I would only wake once to go and the stream would be worth it.
Anyone else have these symptoms ?

Wondering if I should let the Doc know next week when I see him.

You could have a urinary tract infection, call your PCP, easy enough to give them a sample.
I think I "went" more often at night post-op than pre-op, but that was mostly because I had trouble sleeping more than 2 or 3 hours at a stretch. "As long as I'm awake". . . Many of us had trouble sleeping 6-8 hours in a row post-op. That wouldn't explain peeing a lot during the daytime, of course.
I was in the same camp as Norm, going much more during the night and days after surgery. For me, I took it to heart when they told me to stay hydrated to avoid rhythm issues, so I was drinking a lot more than normal and sleeping a lot less. That has all come back to normal, though, as my sleep patterns have returned. I still drink much more water than before surgery, but it has become the new norm for me, so all is good. As others have said, though, it may be good to ask your GP about it!
I believe that was the case for me also, I began to slow down the water consumption in the later part of afternoons, now up twice a night to go.
I don't think I realized how much water I was going thru.
I haven't noticed any difference in regards to peeing, but I haven't been able to get the bowels "back on complete track" yet ... and it is frustrating ... lol.

Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic
CHD.MCs.CC + RoadTrips.hobbies.RadioShows.us66 =
"Will I be merry or will I be blue?" __ Deborah Allen __ 'Rockin' Little Christmas'
I haven't noticed any difference in regards to peeing, but I haven't been able to get the bowels "back on complete track" yet ... and it is frustrating ... lol.

Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic
CHD.MCs.CC + RoadTrips.hobbies.RadioShows.us66 =
"Will I be merry or will I be blue?" __ Deborah Allen __ 'Rockin' Little Christmas'

Cort, I would tell my wife " time for a full out Assault " need prunes, prune juice, stool softener, fiber etc...LOL

I don't know if ya have ever tried it before but Magnesium works wonders, I take a couple early evening and shazaam the next morning...smiles soon follow
with me wanting to call everyone I know and brag about it ...LOL
The question I have for you is when you are going, is the stream normal? Do you feel like you are not emptying your bladder?

In my case, I was having the exact same issue you are having. The only thing with me was the fact that my stream was weak and I was having problems emptying my bladder. It turns out that my urethra was injured during the removal of the Foley Catheter that I had in for my hospital stay. Scar tissue had built up in the Urethra obstructing the flow of urine. A trip to the Urologist and I was as good as new again. It was not a pleasant resolution, but hey, neither was open heart surgery!
Jake, yes in the beginning it was weak for what ever reason. My bladder did not seem to hold much liquids, not sure if it was a condition of the meds or not ? But since I'm getting back to normal now I would have to say it was probably more like what Jason described.
Good to hear ya got taken care of, it must have been unpleasant, I can only imagine :eek2:
It could well be to so with your kidneys. Remember when we are on heart bypass all our organs take a knock. It will probably sort itself out after a while but worth a call to your doctor. I was going twice a night 2 weeks post op now I sleep all the way through. Good luck!
time for a full out Assault " need prunes, prune juice, stool softener, fiber etc...LOL

Heh ... yes, using the prunes (delicious, actually!), stool softener, fiber ... and, as Bina pointed out, lots of water! Getting a little bit better....

Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic
CHD.MCs.CC + RoadTrips.hobbies.RadioShows.us66 =
"It's a pudding made of figs ... and bacon" __ Gonzo to Miss Piggy/John Denver and Muppets __ 'We Wish You A Merry Christmas'