Got the name of that darn truck!!

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Well-known member
Jan 22, 2011
Rock Hill SC
Actually I think it was a cargo ship.. Ayway.. I made it to this side of the mountain, and let me tell ya, the view over here is MUCH better!! Had surgery Tuesday morning, have ONY-X 23mm. I can hear it a little, but does not bother me, just sounds like a ticking watch. What is more bothersome is how easy I bruise now, I look like i have been beaten up. Tuesday night was really rough, threw up all night long. Wed brought sitting up, Thursday the chest tube, foley, and main line came out and moved out to the floor. Friday shuffled the halls for a total of 1/2 mile, Saturday more of the same, Sunday, HOME SWEET HOME BABY!!!
The main complaint I have is one of my ribs hurts really bad under my rt breast, doctor said it was to be expected with the position during surgery. I am part of a pedometer reasrch group on how cardiac patients do if they maintain some level of activity when they get home and their reoccurence levels (all cardiac patients participate, valve and bypass). pretty cool I think because it gives me a set goal that I should be able to meet 6-8 weeks out.

Thank you to everyone here for all the information we put here for the next group.

My main advice try to maintain as much activity level as you can leading up to surgery, your heart will thank you for it - (it will be much easier to recover).


Glad to hear you're doing well.
My husband used a pedometer after his MV repair.
I was quite sore for some time post-op. My husband chose a thoracotomy instead of a sternotomy to lessen his discomfort post-op. He had already tasted the discomfort associated with OHS when his sternum was fractured nearly 1.5 years pre-op. That fracture led to his MV repair.
Glad you were in great shape going in. Not all of us were that fortunate and it does take longer to recover in those cases. Mitral valve regurgitation can escalate significantly, enlarging the heart and causing congestive heart failure. I was one of those. That's why I strongly encourage people who do know they have MVP to have periodic echoes and cardio visits; don't rely on the initial diagnosis and think you'll be coasting for life.

Again -- glad you're doing great. Just rest as needed, do your breathing exercises to keep those lungs inflated correctly, eat well and do your walking exercises.
Great to hear you are safely home and seem to be doing very well.

I have worn a pedometer for years. DH and I walk many nights after dinner and we always measured the distance and how long it took us to walk it. We now know most routes/time/distance we walk regularly but whenever on vacation in a new locale, we wear our pedometers to measure distance/steps etc

I so agree with you that walking makes a tremendous difference both in going through the surgery more easily and during recovery. (Certainly there are some exceptions.)

Keep up the good work. Wishing you a bump free recovery.
Thank you both. Oh, I have broken down and just cried because of how frustrating things you were able to do are so hard now. Then i had to stop crying because it hurt, and just suck it up and be thankful I am where I am :).. Alli, I did see the article, beuatifully written. My son is 7.5, and we only told him Sunday mommy was going to the hospital and the doctor was going to fix my heart so I could keep up with him playing better. He was OK then, but Thursday night when he saw me it broke my heart, I could not give him a hug I hurt so bad. Saturday he became my walking partner all day, we would do a loop and sit down, repeat over and over. You picture so insipred me. I had my husband take one of my today and I will repeat, I would love to make a picture book... All women, all surgical scars, so women could see they are not alone, and their body is still beautiful... I say this because when I first saw my scare I just cried at how I had changed... Maybe something I will look into during my "free time" as I recover.

My best to everyone
Jen BRAVO you are on the right side of the mountain and as time passes it really does get better .....

BRAVO as you are so beautiful in your words and actions in what you have done for your family

Glad to hear you are on this side of the mountain, and I hope your recovery continues to go smoothly!

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