Got My Surgery Date !!

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Hi All,

Haven't posted for over a year but regularly visit the site to see how people are getting on and to get information..

Finally after a year of many tests, 5 echo's, TEE, MRI scan,and last but not least an angiogram my cardio has recommedned that surgery is required sooner rather than later and a date has been set for the 20th June.

The choice of mechanical valve was made for me as I have been diagnosed with possible Left Ventricular Non Compaction (LVNC) aswell as regurgitating bicuspid aortic valve.One of the treatments for LVNC this is warfarin so it doesn't make sense to have a tissue valve. They are not sure what is causing my left ventrical to dilate but th cardio and myself is hoping that it is the leaking valve as this can be fixed. The LVNC cannot and the only option is a heart transplant if this begins to take hold. The chances of a bicuspid aotic valve is 1 in 100 which is unlucky in itself but the chances of having LVNC is 1 in 100,000 !!! I calculated that makes the odds of having both 10,000,000 to 1. Lucky me.

Having said that I am where I am and there is no point in felling sorry for myself.

The surgeon uses the Sorin Bicarbon valves which I have researched and am comfortable with. It's a third generation bileaflet valve so should so the job.

Athough it all seems doom amd gloom I am still have no major symptoms with the occasional palpitation being the only time I notice something is wrong. I am very healthy and still playing squash, football, swimming etc so the surgeon has said to continue this as my fitness level will very beneficial to my recovery afterwards.

Anyway, no real questions but I would be interested to hear from anybody who has the Sorin Bicarbon althouh I know that this is not used in the US as it is CarboMedics there and they have there own range.

Roll on the 21st June when the recovery starts.

Thanks for listening.

John Mc
Sorry to hear you'll be leaving the waiting room but very glad to hear you're so positive and well informed. Best wishes on your journey up and over the mountain.
Aren't you the lucky one!:eek:
Must be a relief to finally have a surgery date. Being fit and otherwise healthy sure will help with recovery!
My husband's 1st valve-anniversary (mitral) is tomorrow and he completely forgot the date (not me ever:)) but it goes to show you that there is life after OHS!
Best of luck for your upcoming surgery!!
Put you on the calendar for June 20th, John. You sound well informed, in great shape and confident- all to the plus side. I'm sure you will do fine.

I have to admit. Your outlook on this deal is pretty inspirational.

Your ability to see beyond the short-term issues for the long-term gain is unique and quite zen of you. Thanks for sharing!

As I've experienced with many, other pre-surgery patients, distance from emotions (aka fear) is rarely expressed.

Even though I knew the statistics about heart valve surgery mortality, I was a nervous wreck leading up to my surgery.

Except for, of course, the day of my surgery when I could not wait to get it over with!!! :)



Best wishes for a successful surgery & uneventful recovery, with no surprises!

Plan a few fun things to do -- maybe a weekend trip -- and take care of any chores piling up at home.

Our next-door neighbors have taken over mowing our yard (a 1-acre lot, large for most subdivisions). If you have a yard to keep up, you'll want to get it into shape now and line up someone to take over while you're unable to do so.
Good luck to you!

Good luck to you!

John: You will be fine. I'm 10 mos. post op and doing well, playing tennis, working out (mildly) but overall feeling much better. You will be just great!!!
Good luck in your upcoming surgery. I hope you have a smooth uneventful surgery and recovery. My perspective is this side of the mountain isn't so bad...not bad at all.
I don't have any experience with your vavle choice, but I just wanted to say, "good luck" and let us know how everything is going!

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