Got my Cpap machine today

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Well, the home health care respiratory therapist was here today and brought my new Cpap machine. After going thru the sleep lab, it was determined that I have pretty severe Sleep Apnea. I was back there last Wed. nite for Titration test which is when they actually put a mask on you and tell you to go to sleep so they can see what kind of pressure you require to keep breathing....I'm kind of middle of the road as far as pressure goes...I'm anxious to get back to dreaming. I honestly can't remember the last dream I had and from the way they talked its because of no REM sleep. So, now besides having "Pump Head", I'm also going to be a Hose Head!..Wish me luck.

JohnnyV, I've only seen pictures of the cpap and it looks as though it would take some getting used to. I do wish you well and good sleeping tonight and happy dreams!!:D :D
Johnny -

Johnny -

You have such a great attitude about your CPAP machine. Good for you. I was recently diagnosed with mild sleep apnea and given the choice of using a CPAP or sticking with my oxygen at night (we live at 7700 feet elevation). Anyway, I wanted to try the CPAP. Not fun!! I tried a full face mask and could not sleep with it. I just today got a nasal pillow face mask and a chin strap to keep my BIG mouth shut at night. Hee!

Seriously, I am a mouth breather and sleep on my back. I hope this face mask will work for me, as although my apnea is only mild, I bet I would feel a whole lot better without ANY apneic or hypopneic events - I averaged 12 an hour.

I do have dreams - especially in the morning, but ironically that is when my apnea is the worst.

How are things going so far? You ARE going to feel just amazing in no time (from what I have read of people with severe sleep apnea) and your heart will thank you for taking a load off of it at night.

Keep us posted on your progress!

Christina L
The way the Sleep disorder Doctor told me, I have no choice...I had as many as 60 episodes per hour and my oxygen level was dropping to 60%. So, I have a feeling its going to make such a difference that I'll take to it fairly easily.Those Masks are something aren't they! The one I ended up with is also a Nasal Pillow...I too have always been a mouth breather. I had a Deviated Septum for years and literally could not breath thru my nose. I had surgery for that about 12 years or so ago after nearly choking to death while trying to eat. I'll get brave after I've tried it and it works and take some pics of the crazy thing to show everyone what we go thru.

JohnnyV :eek:


Ross said:
Yes, must have pics!

I am attatching a picture of me getting ready for bed and this is how horrible the mask looks on a person.....:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: P.S. Now don't pass out cold now....LOL:D :D :D
Harry -

Harry -

I think you look pretty darned good in that contraption! When I first put my full face mask on (looks like yours), Wayne and I couldn't stop laughing. You HAVE to laugh, but I really wanted to cry. Now I will just have the nasal pillows and the chin strap and I sure hope I can tolerate that. I just could NOT sleep with that huge thing on my face. Some people say they visualize being a fighter pilot when putting on their CPAP full face mask. Well...don't know about THAT!

Johnny - I also have a deviated septum and enlarged turbinates from my allergies. I know I should look into having the turbinates shrunk but I am just so tired of doctor visits! I have started allergy shots, which I am hoping will help with breathing through my nose.

Christina L
Harrybaby666 said:
I am attaching a picture of me getting ready for bed and this is how horrible the mask looks on a person.....:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: P.S. Now don't pass out cold now....LOL:D :D :D
Jason is that you? Where is your machete? :D
Ok for some really shocking news......

Ok for some really shocking news......

Ross said:
Jason is that you? Where is your machete? :D

I found out by looking at my family tree, that I am related to some Youngs....Could You and I be related somewhere down the line? LOL Jason...HA!!!! LOL LOL:D :D :D
Christina...I was upset at first, but then I learned to love

Christina...I was upset at first, but then I learned to love

The CPAP, as it gives me extra Oxygen and I tried the nose buds, but they were the most annoying, uncomfortable things I ever saw in my life. I have gotten soooo used to this full facial mask...I guess it's just a matter of preference, and I think it's easier for me because I either sleep on my side, or my back...I cannot sleep on my stomach, and I think that this may be the deciding factor....I hope and pray that your doing well with yours Christina, as I sure do know what it's like to be weak and tired from the Apnea.

Johnny-I am in the same boat that you are...I stop breathing 82+times an hour and my O2 level drops to BELOW 40%, so I certainly do know the necessity of the CPAP..I feel so much better with's like night and day, and I think you will be amazed at how well you do. Harrybaby:D :D
First nite did not go well...1 hour fighting it and I took it off....Last nite was great! I found out where it was leaking that took care of everything. I slept really well...I woke up once and first thing I noticed was that I wasn't fighting the thing. Before, I was really having trouble exhaling. Mine is a Comfort Lite 2 and it comes with the headgear, it has Nose Cushions and also the nasal pillows....Christina, when they fixed my deviated septum, they also did a Turbinectomy? The doctor explained it as they remove the tissue that normally swells when you get a head cold. I know that when I do get a cold, my nose, no longer stops up. I actually remember dreaming last nite, but could not remember what the dream was...That hasn't happened in years.
