Got bitten by spider

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Very Dangerous Spider these are

Very Dangerous Spider these are

A brown recluse bite can kill anyone if left untreated......I have seen many on my trips to SE Ohio and mostly when in Southern Ky.
Kill 'em all is my motto. Not that I am scared; just don't see the point of allowing them to live to bite some poor kid or even me......

Listen closely to your doc and I hope the meds got to the venom before the damage spreads to far!!!!



Glenda, I am so sorry! Just what you needed. Glad to hear that you went to the doc, though, and they have you on some potent antibiotics. Be forewarned, though, one of my troops got bitten down at Fort Hood and he recovered but he had a "hole" the size of a ping pong ball in his leg. It was closed skin, but the flesh underneath had been eaten away. He did wait a day before going on sick call, though, so hopefully that will not happen to you. Speaking of spiders, Katie just got home from heart camp (another post when I have pics and time) and told me that she found two turantulas at camp and held one. :eek: YUK!!!!!! This kid ages me by the minute! Prayers for a smooth recovery. Much love. Janet Oh, and Ross, we have those damn wolf spiders running around here, too. I think they have started their own gang.
Speaking of wolf spiders - we have them in Wisconsin. We built a house and were living in it - our bedroom didn't have drywall yet. I saw a wolf spider on the wall framing - grabbed some Raid and was about to do battle with it. IT MADE EYE CONTACT WITH ME :eek: and then it disappeared under the insulation. Needless to say I had a lot of trouble getting to sleep that night. FWIW - Raid doesn't do a very good job on them. What I found works best is Clorox spray - like the kitchen cleanup stuff.
I have a spider relocation technique. I think I have mentioned it before, but for those who haven't heard it. Here is my "cootie catcher"

I have a small plastic tub that is see through and a piece if cardboard. I throw the tub over the critter and then inch the cardboard underneath and keep a tight grip on the things and bring the spider or whatever out to the garden and let it loose.

I've also caught field mice in it, and flies and bees that are on the screens, etc. It works like a charm. No poisins, and the bug gets to go in the right environment.

I've caught wolf spiders in it too, and those creepy looking crab spiders that rear up in the air when they are scared.
I think most of you know that I was raised on a farm raised by my grandparents. Well they had so many old ways of doing things and it seemed to work most of the time. The place wasn't getting any better on my leg where the spider bit me so I sterlized one of my husband's really sharf knifes and cut the center of the bite out and poured gasoline on it, burned like h--------l! Under a mangifying glass it looked like a little head of something. We always used kerosine on the farm but since I didn't have any kerosine, I used gasoline. Kerosine would cure just about anything! ! You know this morning it was almost completely gone, just a little hard pin spot where it once was. It doesn't hurt and it does't itch, the red/blue marks are gone, and it's not spreading out anymore from where the bite started. Now it may have gone inside of me and my leg may rott away from inside but for now I'm good. I haven't run a fever for two days. Talk about a red-neck!:):) I just took my last antibotic so I think I'm going to be okay. The bug man said sraying for spiders won't kill them but when they walk across the sprayed area and they lick it, that will kill them. Since he's sprayed I've found dead spiders everywhere. We llive in the middle of a hay field so bugs, snakes, mice and spiders thinks this is their home. A huge copperhead crawled across in front of me while I was mowing last week. I could have killed him, in fact I probably should have because he was posisionous but I just let him go on his way. He wasn't hurting me.This is just one of the hazards of living on a farm way back off the road. We love it back here but we have to put up with a lot of little critters. Just the other night there were about five coyotes right outside our front door making an ungodly noise. We have a huge ground hog that comes right up to the back door. The deer think our pond right behind our house is theirs. It's so much fun to watch the male and female courting each other and then months later see little ones running around. I take salt blocks down to them and they love that. I hate to see them missing because I figure some deer hunter has gotten one of them.
I use the same "critter catch" method.
In this case we had to search out a large clear container because hubby had found
a huge moth the size of my hand and we wanted to photograph it before releasing it.
I use the same "critter catch" method.
In this case we had to search out a large clear container because hubby had found
a huge moth the size of my hand and we wanted to photograph it before releasing it.

All I can say is that some of you all are more humane than I am! If it slithers or crawls, it's DEAD at my house! The other day a taruntula crawled out from behind the dog's water bin & it practically gave me a heart attack! :eek:
I sprayed the heck out of it w/Raid but it wouldn't kill it so then I took a shovel, picked it up & drown it in the ditch! All gone! :D :)
I think most of you know that I was raised on a farm raised by my grandparents. Well they had so many old ways of doing things and it seemed to work most of the time. The place wasn't getting any better on my leg where the spider bit me so I sterlized one of my husband's really sharf knifes and cut the center of the bite out and poured gasoline on it, burned like h--------l! Under a mangifying glass it looked like a little head of something. We always used kerosine on the farm but since I didn't have any kerosine, I used gasoline. Kerosine would cure just about anything! ! You know this morning it was almost completely gone, just a little hard pin spot where it once was. It doesn't hurt and it does't itch, the red/blue marks are gone, and it's not spreading out anymore from where the bite started. Now it may have gone inside of me and my leg may rott away from inside but for now I'm good. I haven't run a fever for two days. Talk about a red-neck!:):) I just took my last antibotic so I think I'm going to be okay. The bug man said sraying for spiders won't kill them but when they walk across the sprayed area and they lick it, that will kill them. Since he's sprayed I've found dead spiders everywhere. We llive in the middle of a hay field so bugs, snakes, mice and spiders thinks this is their home. A huge copperhead crawled across in front of me while I was mowing last week. I could have killed him, in fact I probably should have because he was posisionous but I just let him go on his way. He wasn't hurting me.This is just one of the hazards of living on a farm way back off the road. We love it back here but we have to put up with a lot of little critters. Just the other night there were about five coyotes right outside our front door making an ungodly noise. We have a huge ground hog that comes right up to the back door. The deer think our pond right behind our house is theirs. It's so much fun to watch the male and female courting each other and then months later see little ones running around. I take salt blocks down to them and they love that. I hate to see them missing because I figure some deer hunter has gotten one of them.

I had to smile when I read this Glenda because this is what my parents would use on cuts or scrapes when we were kids. I remember one time, I was running around barefoot & I stepped on the lid of a rusty old can & practically cut my little toe plumb off! My daddy took some Kerosine, poured it on the wound & then bandaged it up. Healed up in no time! :)

I hope you get better real soon!
Spiders....ewww.....they don't get much sympathy in my house.
But outside spiders do have their role in life.
Mind you, if we had those brown recluse dudes, they would not be tolerated.
I'm glad to hear from you Glenda, (and that things are looking better) I was going to ask if anyone heard from you then saw the update thanks
Turkey Hunter how about Wolf Spiders? We have those up here in abundance.

Those damn things are ugly....yet their bite is not dangerous to you other than it hurts like heck....I have heard of some folks having side effects to their bite. But you should be fine......I see them everywhere!!!!!
My husband was bit by a brown recluse several years ago on his upper arm. They were moving tarps at work and he figured that he had gotten poked or something. Like most men, he didn't go to the doctor for a few days and it was pretty nasty. They put him on antibiotics, gave him some ointment, and told him to stay home from work for a couple of days. It eventually healed, but he still has a scar.

Because we are in such a drought, the huge roaches are coming in looking for water. They can fit through minute cracks. My husband had one crawl out from behind his shower head while he was showering. Talk about a short shower! I opened my pantry the other night and had one drop from the ceiling to the floor. I closed the door fast, grabbed the Raid, opened the door, sprayed the hell out of it, closed the door and stayed clear. They go crazy when they're dying, running, flying, etc. and take quite a while to do so. I could hear it moving around, bumping into things, and it eventually made it out under the door, ran around for a while, and then died. The dogs and I all stayed clear during the process. Then I made my husband pick it up and throw it away. I don't squish them because they are huge and it's gross.
Relocating a brown recluse spider to the outside would be pointless, because that is not their environment. They like the inside of your house where there are warm, dark, dry places to hide, hence the name "recluse." They need to be dead if you find them in your home.
Glenda - you are quite the woman! My Mom would say " You are made of sturdy pioneer stock." I had to read your post to my DH because he is always performing surgery on himself I'm glad your bite is better.
A young man here was bitten by the brown recluse and left it go for too long. The docs had him on IV antibiotics after excising a good chunk of arm. It drained for over a week, too. Thank goodness there's no necrotizing fasciatus and he'll keep the limb.
We have patients come into the hosptial with them. Most of the time they have waited to long and the bite is a awful looking mess. It can literally eat away the flesh and make quite a scar. I knew from that experience that I had better stay on top of it. That's why when it wasn't getting any better I cut the middle out. This morning you can barely see where I was bitten. YEAH ! ! The good old curing of gasoline (kerosine) along with the really strong antibotic must have worked. They are really harmless little critters. They are rather small, brown with a picture of a violin on their back. They won't attack you. I probably rolled over on him in bed or when I was cleaning out my closets I got on him somehow. They like dark places in the house and under the house. They probably come up through the furnace vents. I've found them dead after my husband sprays, which he is going to do real soon! ! We also have great big black spiders that get in our Jacuzzie up stairs. Now where in the world do they come from, the drain pipe? ? I squash them rather fast.

Some good news, I did go to my six month appointment with my primary care doctor last week and all my tests came back great. My blood sugar is normal, my blood pressure was low (really low 98/48) my cholesterol is normal. I had lost 70 pounds since I had seen him seven months ago. He was really pleased. He wants me to lose about 50 more. It seems these last 50 are sure coming off slow, of course I think the 70 came off slow. Now what do I do with all this extra skin, like under my arms. I got wings, I could fly and then there's the stomach (carrying children) we won't got there, it isn't pretty ! ! And of course the poor thighs ! It's a good thing I can cover all these areas with clothes. I know I could have it all cut off in time but I have surgeries to survive and I can't quite bring myself to go under the knife for something so vain. Does anyone know of any kind of exercises I could be doing to lose all this flab. I probably have 50 pounds of flab hanging. :mad::mad:

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