I think most of you know that I was raised on a farm raised by my grandparents. Well they had so many old ways of doing things and it seemed to work most of the time. The place wasn't getting any better on my leg where the spider bit me so I sterlized one of my husband's really sharf knifes and cut the center of the bite out and poured gasoline on it, burned like h--------l! Under a mangifying glass it looked like a little head of something. We always used kerosine on the farm but since I didn't have any kerosine, I used gasoline.
Kerosine would cure just about anything! ! You know this morning it was almost completely gone, just a little hard pin spot where it once was. It doesn't hurt and it does't itch, the red/blue marks are gone, and it's not spreading out anymore from where the bite started. Now it may have gone inside of me and my leg may rott away from inside but for now I'm good. I haven't run a fever for two days. Talk about a red-neck!

I just took my last antibotic so I think I'm going to be okay. The bug man said sraying for spiders won't kill them but when they walk across the sprayed area and they lick it, that will kill them. Since he's sprayed I've found dead spiders everywhere. We llive in the middle of a hay field so bugs, snakes, mice and spiders thinks this is their home. A huge copperhead crawled across in front of me while I was mowing last week. I could have killed him, in fact I probably should have because he was posisionous but I just let him go on his way. He wasn't hurting me.This is just one of the hazards of living on a farm way back off the road. We love it back here but we have to put up with a lot of little critters. Just the other night there were about five coyotes right outside our front door making an ungodly noise. We have a huge ground hog that comes right up to the back door. The deer think our pond right behind our house is theirs. It's so much fun to watch the male and female courting each other and then months later see little ones running around. I take salt blocks down to them and they love that. I hate to see them missing because I figure some deer hunter has gotten one of them.