Got bitten by spider

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
When I woke up this morning I noticed a dark blue spot on my left calf, by 9:00 it was really hurting, itching and starting to turn real red. The middle of the bite was real hard, so I called my PC and he had me come in right away. It seems I have been bitten by a brown recluse spider. GREAT! Now my leg will probably rot off! ! He said there wasn't much that could be done. It just had to run it's course. He did put my on a very strong antibotic (10 pills) that I take twice a day. Has anyone else here got bitten by this kind of spider and what do you do?
For Heaven's Sake, Glenda, you'd better figure out what you did in some past life and seriously repent for it!

The things that happen to you break my heart. I've heard you should avoid moving around a lot after a recluse bite (a friend's wife had one on her arm). A bit late to be telling you that now, though. I have no knowledge myself about it, so that may not even be correct. Their doctor also said there was nothing you could do about the venom, except let it run its course.

Please avoid having your leg rot off, though. Makes it hard to run the Brush Hog.

Heal, Dear Glenda.
I agree with Bob. I don't think I'll be riding in a car with you, or go on a ferris wheel with you anytime soon. ;)

Just to make you feel a bit better, at least it was on the calf. A friend of our family's was camping and got bit by one in the family jewels. He ignored it and ended up in the hospital with a severe infection and had to suffer the humiliation of all the attention by strangers to that area, and all the jokes he received for years afterwards.

I hope the antibiotics do the trick for you. But don't hesitate to be a pest to the doctor if you don't like what you see or feel.
Thanks for the encouraging words Bob. It would be really hard to run the brush hog with one leg but I bet I would figure out a way. ;) I haven't had to brush hog this year yet. We are now waiting for them to cut the hay. I do use the zero turn mower and I really enjoy mowing with it. It cut my mowing time in half. I was mowing about six hours for our yard and our shop yard. Now it takes only three. The only thing my husband has warned everyone to get out of my way when I mow. I'm a speed demon. I like to mow really fast:D:D I can usually get both of them done of a morning before I have to go to work at 2:00.

About my past life! You'll never know now many times I have asked myself that question. What in the world have I done? ? ? I think somehow the good man upstairs is just using me as a survivor to encourage others. That whatever happens, whatever we go through, what trials we have, HE is always there in our corner. I also pray a lot and have a lot of people praying for me. Just the other day a customer told my husband that his church had been praying for me. He also said his cousin who lives in Chicago had me on their prayer list. And this is just one example. These are people I don't even know, people that care about other people, praying for little old me! It's amazing.
Hi Glenda,

I don't know what a recluse spider is (we don't have them over here) but I can tell you that a few years ago I was bitten on both legs (lower front) by a white tail spider and they both got very infected.
I was on antibiotics for 2 weeks, and they did eventually heal up.
Not nice though!

Good luck :)
Ooooo Brenda --- when I saw your thread I was sure hoping it wasn't one of those darn, devil brown recluse spiders! :eek:

A poor little cat that I had many years back had just had her litter & she had them hidden in the wood pile. Well one of these spiders went & bit her on one of her tits when she was nursing her babies. By the time she came to me to let me know something was really wrong with her, she was almost near death. I rushed her & the babies to the vet & they kept her there for 3 days along with the kittens until I was able to bring her home. It was the most stressful & saddest time watching her nurse her babies even though she had a gapping hole in the middle of her tummy. But she pulled thru & so did all four of her babies!

Take your antibiotics until they are all gone & keep close touch with your dr. These spiders are deadly ---- no joke!!!
Sorry to hear you were bitten. A friend of mine a while back was bitten by a brown recluse spider and she put Tea Tree Oil from the health food store and really helped the healing of it. You might want to try it theres really nothing else that can help. She put it on 4 times a day and don't remember if she covered it or not. Hope that helps good luck!!!
Crystal :)
Ouch, ouch, ouch. Bad enough to be bitten by a spider but a brown recluse??? Not a good thing. Pay attention to what your body tells you and don't hesitate to get medical help if things don't seem right. Hope you recover quickly.

I'm sure you've researched the bite but in case you haven't here's a helpful link - WARNING - graphic photos
I Have Only A Few Words For This One.....

I Have Only A Few Words For This One.....

Just to make you feel a bit better, at least it was on the calf. A friend of our family's was camping and got bit by one in the family jewels. He ignored it and ended up in the hospital with a severe infection and had to suffer the humiliation of all the attention by strangers to that area, and all the jokes he received for years afterwards.

Ouch, How Embarrassing, What A Place To Get Bit, How In The World Did That Spider Find It's Way There? OMG....and finally....KARLYNN....I AM SHOCKED:eek::eek: LOL LOL LOL:D:D:D:D:D:D Hugs, Harrybaby:D
Brown recluse spiders are very common around here . . . must be a Missouri thing!:p
We've been emptying a closet under the stairs that is dark and seldom disturbed. That's prime territory for a brown recluse. We got it cleared out, and I bravely stepped in with a can of spider spray and sprayed away!;) Only one problem; we still found one in a box that we hadn't sorted through. Yuk!
I'm glad you discovered the bite as quickly as you did, Glenda. I think the antibiotics will take care of it. I bet your doctor just shakes his head in amazement at how tough and durable you are!:)
By the time I got to work yesterday afternoon I was running about 102 temperature. The doc said I might do this, that's my body's way of fighting the infection. I felt horrible but after about an hour I started feeling lik my old silly self. This morning it is still real red and swollen. I am putting some anti-itch cream on it. It feels like there is a rock in my leg where the bite it. Weird! The bad thing someone at work said I could have rolled over on it in my bed. Those little crittes can be anywhere. I have found them out in the garage. The bug man that sprays said that spraying for them doesn't kill them, it just detours them. Well what good does that do? ? Hopefully I got on it fast enough before it can do too much damage.

Thanks everyone for your good wishes.

Have a good day!
Another spider story from MO!

Another spider story from MO!

We've been infested with these critters for years, in two different houses. In our previous home our daughter's bedroom was in the basement. I sometimes found dead brown recluse spiders in her bed when I'd change sheets. I teased her about just who was the toxic creature in that bed! She was never bitten. I guess we moved them into our brand-new house several years ago. Recently I went through boxes of "stuff" in the loft of Jerry's shop bldg. I guess I brought some in the house with me again because I've seen 2 large ones, one of which was under the bedspread when I was making the bed. Made me think twice about going to bed, but what do you do?

We've quit hiring a professional to spray; we buy the spray and do it ourselves, just going along the baseboards in all rooms, and especially closets & hiding places.

I find numerous dead ones when I move furniture away from the wall, etc. Our time's probably coming, but none of us has ever been bitten yet. They are probably the least scary-looking spider I know of--so fragile. Apparently they do pack a punch though.
Well Glenda, Ole Harrybaby Hopes You Feel Better Soon

Well Glenda, Ole Harrybaby Hopes You Feel Better Soon

I have a friend that lately has been getting bitten as well, we don't know what has bitten her on her hand, but we do know that she has a spider bite on her ankle. Thankfully, it has healed quickly. Hope your bite goes away and you feel better ASAP....((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))) Harrybaby:D:eek::D

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