GOT a Surgery date!

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2008
Hi all, spoke with surgeons office today and my AVR is scheduled for October 8....Seems so far away...But I start back at work full time this thurs , so I will keep busy between now and then and I have the ability to take sick days should it be too much. I am releived to know a date. I am not a sit back and relax person soooo I have already started organizing and cleaning out closets..and planning for help when I am home from hospital ( I feel like I am nesting like I did before I had my girls!).
I actually am worring myself a bit that I am so calm at this point (maybe I am spending so much time thinking about what everyone else will need when I am recovering I have not spent too much time thinking about the surgery it self and me)...So when will it hit me?
Well I am officially " waiting"!:confused:
Congratulation on setting the date. It'll be here before you know it. I was pretty calm ahead of my surgery, too. Even on the morning of my surgery when I drove to the hospital my wife remarked on how calm I was. It really didn't sink in for me how big an event this was until after it was over and I was struggling with the slowness of recovery. Best wishes and good luck.
Congratulations on getting that date set! Fall is a good time of year -- no ice to worry about on return home, and you'll be well down the road to full recovery before the holidays come along. Wish you well as you prepare...
The unknowns surrounding heart surgery cause the apprehension. You have eliminated two of the big unknowns, accepting the surgery as necessary and getting a firm surgery date. I would imagine that you will have some days when the upcoming surgery will scare you......but that's OK too. Stay busy, visit these forums often and ask your questions. I doubt that you can ask a question that someone has not experienced.

I wish you an uneventful surgery and easy recovery:)
Hi- and good luck to you as you get ready! One good thing about a date in October is that you will have wonderful weather outside for walking during your recovery :) ..........Best wishes to you!
I actually am worrying myself a bit that I am so calm at this point maybe I am spending so much time thinking about what everyone else will need when I am recovering I have not spent too much time thinking about the surgery it self and me.
Well I am officially " waiting"!:confused:

I was exactly the same way. I wasn't scared or nervous and maybe that was a good thing. I was put on the surgeons "on call list" on a Monday and he called my that Thursday for pre-op tests with the surgery the next day. Boy did I run around to have everything ready.

But this is all good for you and thats a good thing.
Best Wishes
Glad you have your date and hope we can help in any way possible in the meantime.
Good luck. I actually was less aprehensive after accepting a solid date. Then the hard part was playing the waiting game. Almost 2 weeks after surgery things are going well and I'm sure you will do well.

Hi ~ Congratulations of setting a date! The way time flies, it will be here before you know it. Wishing you all the best, Dawn-Marie