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well....the doc is gonna try to repair my mitral valve,but if he can't,then i will get a shiny mechanical one. there is still confusion about my tricuspid and aortic valves-some tests say they need repair/replacement-some don't....AND-my circumflex artery is mildly blocked-so i get bypass surgery,too.....going thru my sternum. AND since the mitral valve is leaking soo bad and i am sooo short of breath-surgery is THIS friday-the 23 !!!!! i asked him"you mean -this week this week?" and he replied "if i told you your brakes were going to give out any minute-would you want to drive around for a few months?" i am kinda freaking out!!!! kinda crying,,too! trish
Dear Trish,

Stay strong my dear ---- you will get through this nightmare w/flying colors & you'll be wondering "why" you couldn't have done it sooner! Don't look back just stay focused on the fact that you need this surgery so that you can be whole again & start living life the way it's meant to be lived! :)

Best wishes to you & you are in my prayers!! :)
Try not too freak (easier said than done I know!). All will be well. I also had one CABG with my AVR...I had a mammary artery for my bypass. I was told if you only need one, they prefer that one: 1 - it never clogs up, 2- no leg incissions.
No reason to wait. The sooner you get it done, the safer and better for you. The waiting part is often the hardest for many of us so in some ways you are lucky.
Try not to freak.....we all understand and know what you are feeling. By the time you pack a small bag, take care of odds and ends, it will be time for you to get it done.

Sending best wishes to you the 'calm' comes over you and sail through this.
You'll do fine.
Friday is a great day for surgery will be all over before you know it and you will be feeling terrifiic again real soon. Sometimes we dont get as much time to think about these things as we like but you will do just fine....
See you on the other side of the mountain.
Maybe this is the best way. Don't have too much time to think about it. Soon it'll be done and you will do great.
Positive thoughts and prayers coming your way.
It's better to get it done and over with than have a longer wait with it weighing on your mind. Best wishes for s successful surgery and smooth, speedy, recovery.
Trish, we're all here for you and we are all praying for you! Before you know it you will be recovering and this will be behind you! Hugs! Stella
I had too much time to think about it....

I had too much time to think about it....

I had too much time to think about mine. (may 5th 2008) You will be OK... We are all pulling and praying for you.

Mini AVR (3 1/2" zipper):)
Cleveland Clinic
Dr Joseph Sabik
I kind of know how you are feeling, it is horrible waiting for a date but then when you get one, its the scariest day of your life up untill having to go into hospital. Sending you hugs prayers and best wishes, you will soon be glad it is all over. Hope you do something really nice tonight. Wishing you a very speedy recovery.

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