got a date in india

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Buena Suerte...goodluck

Buena Suerte...goodluck

Hey Chou -- all the best for your upcoming surgery in India. I read about the hospital and it sounds first class. Speaking of 'first class' - save those freekie flyer miles and upgrade on your return..:D
:) Please save me the research.... I'm feeling lazy today.

How long a flight? Non-stop? How many connections?

DH would like to visit China. He'll have to find another travel companion for that trip... think I'll take a pass. :D
Well, Chou, India is no better than China in terms of the cleanliness. Might be worse. Don't think you should walk in sandals in India either. Actually the Southern city you are going to may be somewhat better, can't comment since I haven't been there since the mid seventies as a little girl. The state run hospitals and clinics are quite filthy as well. However, none of this should concern you (well, maybe the streets a little bit) because you are getting the royal treatment that the priveleged can buy for themselves in India. A world class clean hospital whose standards are high enough to attract medical tourists. I hope the post surgical beach vacation is just as clean.

Wishing you all the best!
Um .... I would go to China in a heartbeat .... any chance I get to experience other cultures I do it .... now I may not stay long or go back but what you describe may not be as unnerving to a Chimp:D
I remember watching the Olympics and they said that in Chinese culture anything that is on 4 legs is edible. ANYTHING. Did any of you see the deep fried rat they showed ? or the scorpions ? I have always wanted to go to China, I'd love to see some of the countryside and experience true Chinese culture before its all gone. But I think Im gonna pack a lunch :)

Cooker you best steer clear my freind unless your looking for a crock pot bath, or you best be walking upright ! Based on your photos a shave probably wouldn't hurt either. :D
i think the anything on four legs diet is more in the guangzhou area, but it's more like
anything that moves is edible.

as to chinese "culture," that's hard to define. most people think of the imperial city
and the ming or whatever dynasty as representing chinese culture. but that's like
equating living in versailles with french culture when most french were peasants.

by "culture" do you mean how the ordinary folk in the countryside live? the vast
majority, which includes 59 recognized ethnic minorities, still live in what could at
best be termed bronze-age villages. the term "peasant" is appropriate, not farmer,
as we tend to think of a 50yo man in kansas wearing overalls and a john deere cap
with a tin of skoal in his back pocket, climbing into his $500k harvester to head off
and work his 20,000 acres. no, outside of the cities there has been little to no
progress over the last thousand years or so. sure they have a tv and a lilght bulb
in the downstairs room, but it's still peasant farming in the fields.
by culture I do mean the regular folks that haven't been influenced by western culture. Given the speed of how things are being industrialized in China I would guess that the culture is changing just as rapidly. From what I have read the folks who are still trying to work the land now have the challenge of trying to deal with vast amounts of pollution in the air and water. Some rivers are so polluted that nothing lives within them anymore. We have that here in the US as well in some places but its the exception where as it sounds that in China that is fast become the rule. It saddens me to see how these people who are simply trying to live day to day are being driven off their land for new factories or because their water source has been diverted or polluted to the point it is un-usable. I know my view of China may be very nieve, I know it is a hard place to live in many respects but I have much respect for those who are trying to simply raise a family and live off the land.

Of course I would also like to see some of the structures (Forbidden City, Great Wall, etc...) but for me the countryside is a true representation of a society that goes back thousands of years. It facinates me in many respects.
never been to beijing, unless you count the 5-hour layover a few years
ago. not really interested in seeing the city (some of the ancient sites
maybe), too big and crowded and polluted. haven't seen the great wall
(except from the plane), but would like to hike the entire length some day.
i much prefer cycling and hiking in the desolate places. from my tiny town
of a mere 350k, only takes five minutes to get outa town and into the
countryside. then it's miles and miles of uphill riding, paved and dirt,
with nothing but peasant villages, fields in the valleys, and forested hills.
not much industry in this area, except for brick factories.
Nah, I don't think I'd ever be visiting China either! :eek: If I did, I'd probably starve to death! :D

But I do want to wish you well w/your upcoming surgery in January! I pray that all goes well with you & we'll be waiting for word from you!

Take care! :)
oh no, you won't starve to death, at least not for lack of food. loads
of restaurants, plenty of variety, but....well, that culture thing comes up
now and then.....when the waitress picks her nose while taking your order....
when the customer next to you spits out fish bones on the table....
when you can see the cook spitting while preparing food....when the
shop owners kid takes a weewee out the front door onto the sidewalk....
lack of appetite maybe. but you get used to it...mostly.

btw, this pic is my ex-gf's cousin slaughtering a chicken in our
squattie toilet. and dammit, i just cleaned that!!!!
oh no, you won't starve to death, at least not for lack of food. loads
of restaurants, plenty of variety, but....well, that culture thing comes up
now and then.....when the waitress picks her nose while taking your order....
when the customer next to you spits out fish bones on the table....
when you can see the cook spitting while preparing food....when the
shop owners kid takes a weewee out the front door onto the sidewalk....
lack of appetite maybe. but you get used to it...mostly.

btw, this pic is my ex-gf's cousin slaughtering a chicken in our
squattie toilet. and dammit, i just cleaned that!!!!

:eek: Thanks a lot for the visual! I was about to have breakfast.........:eek:

picture replaced with an intinerant dentist.