Good blood work, what counts most

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Well-known member
Oct 25, 2006
Latham, NY
I don't know how much is the drugs and how much is from exercise but I got my latest blood work today.

Total Cholesterol 147
LDL 85
HDL 43
Triglycerdies 85

That's acing the test. There was a time when my total Ch was 210.
That's great. It's nice to read good news on here. I find out mine tomorrow along with my blood count. I'm crossing my fingers for good results, I have post-surgery anemia but I've been feeling good so maybe it's gone.
Great numbers. What kind of meds are you on? I can't come close to those numbers but I don't take any meds....just one baby aspirin a day.
I know my cardio was very pleased with the number. Not even taking simvastatin.

CHOL 180
HDL 91
LDL 71

It is great to hear your # are good, Sumo
I've been taking Lipitor but soon the insurance is forcing me to switch to Simvastatin. I doubt that will make much difference. I attribute as much of the improvement to diet and exercise as the drug. At 5'6" and 205lbs, even though I'm way "over weight", I'm not too terribly over fat.
FANTASTIC Lipid Profile Numbers.... CONGRATULATiONS !

My *guess* is that the Lipitor plays a significant role in you LDL, but Diet is probably the Big Reason for your Low Triglycerices which is a measure of total Fat in the blood..
Genetics and Exercise contribute to your HDL.

'AL Capshaw'
Those numbers are great, way to go

There was a time several years ago when my numbers looked like this

Total Cholesterol - unable to calculate
LDL 225:eek2:
HDL 20:eek2:
Triglycerdies 730:eek2:

They didn't even know these numbers were achievable. At the time I was eating well, running 5 days a week and lifting weights, and in good shape. I had been seeing a cardioligist for 18 years, and the only readson I got this test was because I requested it. go figure
None of the statins work for me, ie, Lipitor, zocor, simvistatin, etc. They make me ache and hurt in places I didn't know I have. The only thing that did work was Crestor and I quit taking it because my copay jumped for $28 to $88 per month. I now take 1200gm Concentrated fish oil and 1200gm Red Yeast Rice daily. It keeps it about 240 for the LDL. My doctor isn't really too concerned since mine is apparently genetic and I show no signs of bloackages.

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