I saw my new cardiologist again this afternoon and had a repeat echo done as the previous cardiologist hadn't committed his to CD or the system. The technician who did the echo was tons better than I've ever had before, did a lot more investigations using the echo. But the cardiologist doesn't think I'll be able to wait till after Easter to have my OHS I'm not too happy about this as I had plans which I'll obviously have to scrap. I'll be seeing the surgeon next week or the week after to see what she thinks.
One nice thing, the technician asked if I do exercise like weight lifting because my heart muscle is so strong ! And yes I do, or yes I did until three weeks ago when my pressure gradient got too high. I was doing SuperSlow High Intensity weight lifting - slow lifts and lowers with high enough weight to do only three or four reps to failure. It was nice to hear that type of weight lifting had benefitted my heart so much the echo technician could see it.
One nice thing, the technician asked if I do exercise like weight lifting because my heart muscle is so strong ! And yes I do, or yes I did until three weeks ago when my pressure gradient got too high. I was doing SuperSlow High Intensity weight lifting - slow lifts and lowers with high enough weight to do only three or four reps to failure. It was nice to hear that type of weight lifting had benefitted my heart so much the echo technician could see it.