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Hello everyone. New to this site and I like it already.Going in for AVR on 5/9/07. Cant wait to get it over with. This is the second time going under. I had Valve sparing Aortic root replacement in Oct of 05 that was a success.Now the valve they spared isnt working so its off to the table again.Thanks again for this wonderful site!I've meet nothing but wonderful people here and have gotten great support. Thanks again. Talk soon
Hi and welcome! Glad you found the site, especially that you found it pre-op. Hope all goes well for your surgery. Take care and post again.
That pesky hind sight is 20/20, isn't it. Sorry you have to head back to the OR so soon, but I'm glad you found us. Fill us in a bit more on yourself if you feel comfortable. We're nosey!

Good to meet you, glad you found us.

Good luck on your upcoming surgery and feel free to stop by and chat, vent, express concern, or ask/answer questions. Nice to have you on board.

Welcome to the site. I added you to the calendar for May 9th and wish you a successful climb over the mountain and an uneventful recovery.
Welcome. Best wishes your surgery is complete success and you have smooth, uncomplicated, easy recovery.

Hope everything works well for you. My prayers are with you.
Just a quick update. Pre-op was a success so its a go for the ninth of May. For those of you interested here is a bit more about myself. I am a 40 yo male from New York. I have a wife and two great kids. A daughter who is 8yo and a son who is 3 months. Was diagnosed with Marfans after the first surgery ( Valve sparing root replacement) . Was told that this is the reason for my medical problems. Will be having procedure done at Columbia Presbyterian in Manhattan By Doctor Allen Stewart who did my first procedure.I cant say enough for his compassion and understanding during my time of need. He is in the group of Drs. with Dr. Oz who also did my first procedure and recommended Dr Stewart. Great bunch of people. Thanks again for the great support from this site. Really does make you feel good that you are not alone. Talk soon.
Glad to know the pre-op went well for you!

Thoughts/prayers coming your way for a SUCCESSFUL surgery :).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"We got mountains to climb" ... Rod Stewart ... 'Broken Arrow'
Praying for the most successful surgery for you on Wednesday. We look forward to reading the good news!

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