Getting Ready for April Fool's Day

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I love getting my students good on April 1st: pop quizzes, etc.! Last year, after calling up individual students' parents beforehand to ask their permission, I wrote up a discipline slip for one student (usually the one with the best grade) in each of my periods...and made them think that they were in trouble! Imagine their surprise when they went to the discipline dean and were given their "punishment"--a treat with an extra credit coupon!

I also got my mom three years ago: told her I was pregnant. The first thing she said was, "What does Dr. V [my cardiologist] say?" (since I'm not supposed to get pregnant, despite the valve repair). That was 10 days before my valve failed. Sigh.
...and made them think that they were in trouble! Imagine their surprise....

that's almost as funny as your cardiologist calling you up friday afternoon
(after the office is closed) to say they found some potentially serious
complications on your most recent test results. of course the office
is closed over the weekend, so you have several days to worry about
whether or not you're gonna die. imagine your surprise when you get to
the office only to be given a coupon for 20% off your next purchase of
amway products.

what a hoot! you were sooooo worried. but it was all in fun, no hard
feelings. anyway, they asked your spouse beforehand, so it's all okay.

maybe this year i'll send cards to my ex-girlfriends, telling them i was
just diagnosed with an STD and they should get checked right away.
i'll call their current boyfriends and/or husbands and get them in on it
too. they can complain about some painful burning or irritation.

'practical' jokes are such fun.

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