Getting confused - Questions re: Ross and other options - Severe AR

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Thanks for u r kind replay. I am 32 and having severe aortic regurgitation. My doctor suggest plan a as ross procedure and plan b mechanical. He said instead of donor valve he use dacron graft made from ptfe at pulmonary position. I am confused about this and confused about which method selection also.

Hi Shanith,
I am from India too and had aortic valve replacement at 32. I went with Mechanical.
Ross is complicated and it is not performed that common in India.
Listen to what pellicle is saying.

If I was in your position, I would choose in this order:
1) Mechanical would be the top choice. Manage INR at home.
2) Tissue would be the next choice. I would pick tissue if warfarin is problematic for some reason (for example: ladies expecting to get pregnant, sports/profession where bleeding is expected)
3) Last choice would be Ross. Although it has/is working wonderfully for many, but it is a complicated surgery and not commonly done in India.

Hi Shanith,
I am from India too and had aortic valve replacement at 32. I went with Mechanical.
Ross is complicated and it is not performed that common in India.
Listen to what pellicle is saying.

If I was in your position, I would choose in this order:
1) Mechanical would be the top choice. Manage INR at home.
2) Tissue would be the next choice. I would pick tissue if warfarin is problematic for some reason (for example: ladies expecting to get pregnant, sports/profession where bleeding is expected)
3) Last choice would be Ross. Although it has/is working wonderfully for many, but it is a complicated surgery and not commonly done in India.

Thanx alot rakesh .now i plan to select mechanical. From which hospital u had the surgery rakesh.who is u r surgeon
truly understanding these things is the area for proper skilled medical personnel. Proper ECG's need to be done.

But for what you have described it seems to be something like this
I have had those in the past, but mostly around the time of my second surgery (before and after).

My surgeon was not concerned about them, probably because he had the ECG's to go by. (Note these are called EKG's in America because even though its electro cardio gram nuances of pronuncation by Americans make them confused with EEG which is electro encephalo gram, which is a brain wave scan).

These things while annoying are not problematic.

I would just make your personal choice as to which surgery and which institution will do it and get it done.

Sooner is better than later
Yes i will take your advice and act wisely pellicle

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