Genuine concern from a child

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I work as an aide in special education while I am working on my degree to be a teacher in that same field. I did not choose that field, it chose me. And frankly, I love it!!
I want to share the words of one of my favorite students. He is 16, in the 8th grade and so very special to us all.
After having my cath and the teacher telling the class of my upcoming surgery this student just hovered around my desk on the day I returned to work. I knew something was up with him but was unsure of what it was exactly. Finally, late in the school day he came back to my desk during a lull in class and asked if he could ask some questions. So I told him to go ahead.
Here is the conversation:
MO: "Mr. D, are you okay today?"
DD: "Yes, I am, just tired."
MO: " Are you gonna be okay?"
DD: " I do believe so, yes."
MO: "Are you coming back to school someday?"
DD: " As soon as I am allowed!"
MO: " Okay, good, you are too sweet a man to not have here"
He then walks away, stops and then turns and says " If you need a place to get better you can come to my house. I have a Play Station and a big TV and mom will fix anything you want to eat and I will take care of you and let you win at the games."
Made me feel very special and reminded me just how genuine children are.
This student is also one of the main reasons why I am in love with special ed.

Peace of Christ,
Don, that is just precious. You're right, there is something about the simplicity of a child's view that makes everything very clear. Maybe you should think about going to his house to get better, sounds like a pretty good place to me! I like the "I'll let you win at all the games", that is sweet and giving.
I'm sure you're getting nervous now, but you'll be fine! Remember that we will all be cheering you on and keeping you in our prayers. Just be sure to have someone post for you after surgery so we're not on pins and needles waiting to hear! If you want to have someone call me I'd be glad to to it, if you don't have anyone who can log into the forum to do it.
Thanks for posting this, Don. A very special teacher obviously has a very special place in this boy's heart!
The most wonderful thing about most special ed students is their simplicity and honesty. They seem unfettered by the cynicism and negativity of the world. They are simply loving and caring.

"Mr. D" - it sounds like both you and your "kids" are blessed. Thanks for sharing.

That's a sweet and inspiring story. I'm sure your students will be rooting for their teacher's aide and soon-to-be teacher to return to them as soon as possible. They are blessed to have teachers with such dedication, and so are we all.
I have lost 37 pounds in the past year because I found out I have Type 2 diabetes and went on the diabetic diet and started exercising. I don't get to see my 15 year old grandson very much because he is getting older and has his own life to lead. I saw him twice within a week recently. The 2nd time he said, MAWMAW can I ask you a question? Are you sick? He was afraid that I had lost so much weight because I had some life threatening disease. He is 5' 8" and I am 4' 10". The hug he gave me when I told him I was okay was worth everything to me.
Don, what a wonderful story. Because of my disabled brother I've lived my life around people with special needs. I've found that those we sometimes classify as not as bright or smart as the rest of us, are usually the smarts ones when it comes to the things that are really important.

I'm sure you are a blessing to the students you help and I'm sure they were very relieved to see you back at work and even more relieved when they see you after your Ross.
Hi Don!

Thank the good Lord for people like you who think of Special Ed as you do. What goes around, comes around. I'm sure you will be well cared for!!

Kindred Spirits

Kindred Spirits

I loved your story. I, too had a Ross 7 months ago and I have taught in the Special Education field as a Speech/Language Pathologist and teacher for 28 years. I too, love those kids!
You are a blessing to them; I can tell!
Thanks for sharing your spirit!