Game time:Name the mystery virus/bacteria

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I know this one, but darned if I can remember the name. I'll get it sooner or later. Without even looking, is it the Bubonic Plague?
YES! aka..Yersinia pestis..knocked out up to 40% of europe in the 1300's
and the 1600's,with smaller attacks in between.
What? No comment on the vintage era Craftsman Antichrist?

Wait until I get you a pic of our first lawn tractor that came with the was hiding in some bushes. Hubby fixes everything and he used that thing last week. Now another neighbour has abandonned their old Ford lawn beast and somehow it showed up here yesterday. It's like we attract this stuff.:rolleyes: Careful, or yours might just run away from home and end up here too! :D
Wasn't this virus, plague, called the "Black Death"?

Yeah it was, I think because it turned you a blackish-blue color from a a type
of hemorrhagic bruise that covered the body. And 'Bubonic' describes the
buboes that would form in lymph nodes under the arm or in the groin-it
was believed that if these buboes didn't break you would not get well.

Now..WHY do I know this..I have always had an interest in medievil
times and also microbiology....add to that all the historical fiction books
that I have read;)

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