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OMG - pericardial tamponade ...I researched that, now I am really scared over here...Do I mention this to my parents??? I dont know what to this an emergency or do they go to the ER??? He was going out today to have his trucked worked on. I am really nervous.
I would not mention that to your parents! Let the doctor do that.
You know, doctors do answer phone calls on weekends!! Perhaps they should give their cardio a call and run all these symptoms/questions past the cardio. It really sounds to me like it is NOT an emergency, but it COULD be something the cardio would want to know about. Doctors are used to getting calls at all hours.. and this way, you don't have to mess with the receptionist or the nurses... you get right to the doctor! Have them call. You're a nervous wreck, and trying to stay off cigarettes. Not fair to you. Have them call!!!
Best wishes.