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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
our Panama City Fl TV news had something very important to report this morning:

'for those of you traveling on hwy 20 please watch out for a loose cow. It cannot be captured, so be sure to slow down and move over if you see it'
That reminds me of an incident from a couple of years ago when we were traveling through cattle ranch country in Utah, en route to Colorado. There was a huge calf round up as we were driving east on I-70. About two days later, as we were in the same area west bound coming home, a raging momma cow, nostrils flaring, was stampeding down the freeway heading straight into traffic. Having some (albeit little) experience with cattle, I'm convinced that poor momma was looking for her calf.

Also, several years ago when a cattleman near my folk's place in Missouri separated the little steers out, and drove them to another farm five miles away, one calf found his way back to his momma, over highways and through barbed wire and over streams. I would have called the local television and had them cover an "Incredi-Bull Journey" story and found a way to keep him. But the cattleman just drove the little steer back to where the others had been taken and he didn't escape again.

Some animals have better parental and/or familial instincts than some people do.
I worked on the copy desk of the Shreveport (Louisiana) Times 1976-78. My hours were 4 p.m.-12:30 a.m. :mad:. At Christmas, I drove home to Dallas for the "weekend" (Tuesday & Thursday) when I got off work. We had had snow & some ice a day or two before. Because of all the snow & headlight reflections at night, the drive was kinda eerie.
Suddenly, there were cows (live, not dead, thank heavens) all over Interstate 20, somewhere between Longview & Marshall Texas. This was before cell phones, so no way to alert anyone about a potential fatal hazard -- fatal to both humans as well as animals.

In 1996, we moved into our present home. It's on a former ranch that's been subdivided. A couple of week after moving in, I drove home, only to find huge cow patties on our road. Then I saw huge hoof prints in the soil around our house.
Neighbor said that a gentleman rancher/lawyer's Longhorn cattle had broken out of fencing and stampeded on our street. The sheriff's department rounded up the cattle.

Several weeks later I found 2 Longhorns at the end of our driveway when I got home. I told a neighbor that (1) I believed in neutering/spaying :eek: stray "pets" and (2) the barbecue :D would be at 7 p.m. the next day.
more news from the countryside

more news from the countryside

I bet most of you have never heard of my town, but we DO have news as reported today in my radio e-news:

Some State News Reviewed For the Local Connection

There have been several stories in the national and state media, which have a local connection you might not know.

We have reported on the arrest of a former Florala and DeFuniak Springs police officer, Todd Spikes, after he arrived at a house set up by the Flagler Beach Police Department, the online group Perverted Justice and Dateline NBC. The episode with Spikes aired last night and there is to be a follow-up next Tuesday.

FRN State News on WZEP has been reporting on Steve Stanton, the longtime city manager of the Gulf Coast Florida town of Largo, who has been preparing to have a sex-change operation. In an eight page plan he put together, his new name was to be Susan. The plans and his taking hormone shots were leaked to the media and now the town and its city manager has been on national news. Stanton is on administrative leave.

Stanton had not told his father, who lives in DeFuniak Springs, or his son, who was still in school. He is married and his wife has known of his plans. Most Largo city commissioners are reported to be aghast and voted last week to fire Stanton, saying they doubted his integrity and ability to lead the city and its 1,200 employees. He remains on paid leave until the termination, which requires a second commission vote to become final.

Since the vote, national advocacy groups have rallied around Stanton, holding up his firing as a case for anti-discrimination laws intended to protect transgendered people. Stanton said he's not attracted to men and that he and his wife have no plans to divorce. As reported yesterday on WZEP, some church ministers from the area are coming out in support of Stanton.

Another story you might have heard on WZEP through CBS News or FRN State News is of the love sick astronaut who drove 900 miles to confront a rival to the fellow astronaut she was obsessed with.

Court records show where Lisa Nowak emailed shuttle pilot Navy Cmdr. William Oefelein love letters while he was in space and was planning to divorce her husband. She raced 900 miles in her car from Houston to Orlando on Feb. 5, wearing an adult diaper so she wouldn't have to stop, to confront her rival for Oefelein's affections, Air Force Capt. Colleen Shipman. Nowak donned a wig and trench coat, then sprayed a chemical into the woman's car in an Orlando International Airport parking lot when Shipman wouldn't let Nowak in.

Court records also show Nowak checked into a Days Inn in DeFuniak Springs, under the name Linda Turner, the Saturday night before the attack.

Florida Governor Charlie Crist has asked legislators to work on a limited agenda that has bipartisan appeal. State Representative Don Brown *he livesd here in dfs* is quoted in the Bradenton Herald as saying, "The governor's approach is probably a reasonably accurate representation of the political mood in Florida," Brown is also quoted as stating, ?the typical conservative, particularly those that vote to the right, are in a minority position right now.?

And some more local news from yesterday that has not resulted in a big story?yet. The FHP called Walton County to assist with a search for a vehicle on I-10 where a traveler reported seeing a car with Hispanic males and someone in the back seat with the part of their hands visible tied with a rope. The vehicle was not located due to time lapse. Authorities were also called after a report by Regions Bank of a counterfeit $50 note. The bogus bill apparently came from Caring & Sharing. A cow was out on the roadway near Bethel Baptist Church in Paxton. It is unclear if the cow was looking for a theologically sound pasture or just nibbling along the straight and narrow right-of-way. And the cow action does not stop there. You might have heard on CBS News about the Crestview Cow that would not get off the roadway. The cow escaped through a broken fence and Okaloosa Sheriff Deputies tried everything from hay to rope to get the 500 pound bovine to move. Deputies used a taser to get the cow and traffic moooooving.

Your little area is a hotbed of vice and scandal these days!:eek:
It's so juicy :p :p :p :p that I have to thank you for sharing!;) :D

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