Our two dogs would LOVE the job. They are (literally) looking for work all the time. Border Collies are very energetic, in addition to being very smart. My wife was given a small bag of nice chocolates by one of her students. Then it was missing. I protested my innocence. I know this will be hard to believe, but Barb then noticed a plant in our planter that didn't seem quite right. it turned out our border collie ate some of the chocolate, then nosed the plant loose, hid the bag and nosed the plant back. She did such a good job that the plant was fine.
Our house in Minnesota was near the farm campus of the university of Minnesota. We used to walk the dogs in their fields. About the time the corn had been harvested, thousands of geese would arrive and feast on the corn missed by the harvestors. As you mentioned, this sounds a lot nicer for those who read about it, as opposed to being innundated in goose poop. People loved it when they saw us coming with our dogs. The dogs wanted to herd all of the geese into the middle of this huge field. The geese are particularly concerned about border collies, as they have been bred to appear very "authoritative" to sheep, cows, etc. Our two border collies worked together like a crack drill team, and kept 15 acres geese free as long as we were there. (Instead of a "no fly" zone, they enforced a "no landing" zone.