For those about to go through surgery and those waiting

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That was beautiful Ross and I Thank You for it, made me remember to always Thank him everyday for being with me and my doctors! He is the only reason I am here I know that!
Thanks for sharing that Ross. I prayed that prayer and He was with me all the way through surgery and even today. His peace and comfort are the only way I get through the challenges of lifes journey. He is my Rock and my fortress.
I feel so blessed to be alive everyday.
Thanks Ross....the pictures are exceptional as are the words. I listened to my Guided Imagery for Surgery CD that I was in my packet from the CC (for the first time yesterday) ......They instruct you to picture a place of perfect peace. The picture of Christ with His hand on my surgeon is the one I have chosen. The shades of blue in the sketches made it even more peaceful.
Thanks for the link.....I'll be looking at it many times over the next few days.
Thank you for sharing that Ross. When I was so sick I used to practice "Breath Prayer". It's simply breathing in and thinking a phrase and breathing out and thinking a companion phrase. My most used was
Love of God > Peace of God
I used to share this with scared people by PM's, but the old link is dead and just found a place that has it once again. This is for those of you who do believe in God. If you don't, this is not for you, so don't complain about it being posted.

Thank you Ross... I just printed this and will be taking it to the hospital with me and will read it again right before they take me in.
Very nice Ross. I don't remember you posting that before my surgery, but then again I don't remember a lot of things before my surgery unless I go back and read my pre-surgery posts (which I've done and always get a chuckle out of them).


But I do know that you and the others here that had already "been there and done that" were just as comforting as the link you posted. You all helped me to keep my sanity until "my higher power" (to be politically correct) took over a couple of days before the surgery and I turned it over to him. But I don't know if I would have reached that point without the support of the people on this forum.

But I would like to say to those of you with upcoming surgeries...anyway you can find some peace in your heart (no pun intended) and turn it over to God, your surgeon, and/or this forum...will help you tremendously during the most difficult part of this whole ordeal...the waiting.

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